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decreased from 1520 uq/L in 7/96 to 147 uq/L in January, 1997 <br /> MW--3 showed a slight increase from 779 to 847 uq/L <br /> As we have mentioned in previous reports, a mayor soil & ground- <br /> water plume exists to the north which appears to be centered on <br /> the Darpetro site to the northwest of the Morita property <br /> Several monitoring wells have been installed in an attempt to <br /> define the limits of contamination Prior data reviewed by our <br /> office indicated that the plume had migrated onto the Morita <br /> property This 1s supported by our data, which clearly shows <br /> that the source of the contamination is from the northwest, the <br /> location of the Darpetro site <br /> A summary of all of the laboratory analyzes of water samples <br /> taken since monitoring began in October, 1992 , is included as <br /> TABLE I It reveals that MW-2 has generally shown the highest <br /> levels of BTEX & TPHg, with MW-1 the lowest MW-3 has measured <br /> varying low amounts of BTEX, with higher levels of TPHg Based <br /> upon maps drawn on lines of equal concentrations of BTEX & TPHg, <br /> groundwater contamination increases to the northeast, which <br /> is divergent to the indicated hydraulic gradient <br /> �} The water table has risen an average of 1 2 ' since the July, <br /> 1996 sampling, (to an average depth of 39 . 84 ' bgl , ) the highest <br /> level since monitoring began <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> Based upon all of the data collected since monitoring began in <br /> October, 1992 , the following conclusions appear valid: <br /> 1 Groundwater flow is relatively stable in a east/northeast <br /> direction. This correlates well with regional data <br /> 2 Levels of BTEX & TPHg in the water have varied widely since <br /> monitoring began, which may be due in part to the influence of <br /> the Darpetro plume to the northwest <br /> 3 Data obtained to date rather conclusively shows that the <br /> groundwater beneath this site is being impacted by an offsite <br /> source to the north and west <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS : <br /> 1 Until soil and groundwater remediation begins at the Darpetro <br /> site, it is not practical, or economically ]ustifTed, to attempt <br /> any cleanup of the groundwater beneath the Morita property When <br /> actual work begins offsite, and sufficient data is available to <br /> 2 <br />