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P <br /> ug/L, and they increased from 300 ug/L to 740 ug/L during that <br /> same period The reason for these changes is not known <br /> As we have mentioned in previous reports, a major soil & <br /> groundwater plume exists to the north which appears to be <br /> centered on the Darpetro site to the northwest of the Morita <br /> property. Monitoring well data from that pro3ect, taken on <br /> January 19, 1995 was reviewed by our staff and indicated that <br /> some of the contamination measured in the groundwater beneath the <br /> Morita site is from that source Refer to the WJH quarterly <br /> groundwater monitoring report dated May 26, 1995 for more details <br /> of that data We have not been provided any information con- <br /> cerning current activities at that site, but have been informed <br /> that plans are bean formulated to begin remediation <br /> A summary of all of the laboratory analyzes of water samples <br /> taken since monitoring began in October, 1992 , is included as <br /> TABLE I It reveals that MW-1 has consistently shown the lowest <br /> levels of benzene, (ND except for the 2/94 sampling ) Benzene <br /> levels have been the highest in MW-2 since the 10/93 sampling. <br /> TPH as gasoline has shown the highest levels in MW-2 & MW-3 , but <br /> • there does not appear to be any readily identifiable pattern to <br /> explain the variations . Levels of toluene, ethylbenzene, & <br /> xylene detected in the three wells since monitoring began vary <br /> widely, again, no definite pattern is apparent <br /> The water table has risen an average of 1 691 since the October <br /> 1995 sampling, (to an average depth of 44 38 ' bgl, ) the highest <br /> level since monitoring began <br /> The reason for the anomalous change in direction of the potentio- <br /> metric surface measured during the July, 1995 , (from NE to NW, ) <br /> is not known There is no apparent correlation between measured <br /> levels of BTEX & TPH-G and gradient direction. Prior data <br /> suggested that there may have been an extraction source to the <br /> west or north within the zone of influence of these wells . <br /> However, results from the latest sampling are inconclusive . <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> Based upon all of the data collected since monitoring began in <br /> October, 1992 , the following conclusions appear valid <br /> 1 Groundwater flow is relatively stable in a east/northeast <br /> direction This correlates well with regional data. <br /> 2 Levels of BTEX & TPHg an the water have varied widely since <br /> monitoring began, but do not show any apparent reduction in <br /> 2 <br />