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' Geological Technics Inc <br /> Forge 4 <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Report <br /> Project No 724 2 <br /> February 3,2004 <br /> ' water level reading was recorded to an accuracy of 0 01 foot In wells where free-floating <br /> product is suspected, a clear disposable bailer is used to gauge the interface No free- <br /> floating product was observed during this monitoring event <br /> Stagnant water in the well casing was purged using a dedicated Wattera pump as recorded <br /> ' in the field logs (Appendix C) The rate of well purging was monitored The wells were <br /> purged of at least three casing volumes until the groundwater parameters (temperature, <br /> conductivity, and pH) had stabilized (Appendix Q This indicated that water representative <br /> of actual aquifer conditions was entering the well Groundwater parameter stabilization was <br /> characterized by three successive readings within 10% variance <br /> Before a sample was collected, the water level was allowed to recharge to at least 80% of <br /> the initial level All purge water removed from the monitoring well was placed in a <br /> properly labeled 55-gallon DOT (Department of Transportation 17-H) approved container <br /> ' and is temporarily stored on-site <br /> ' A dedicated Wattera pump was used to collect each sample <br /> Water samples were transferred in a manner that minimizes sample aeration during transfer <br /> of the sample into 40-m1 VOA vials preserved with hydrochloric acid All samples were <br /> checked for headspace bubbles, labeled, inserted into foam holders and placed into an ice <br /> chest cooled to 4°C for transport to the laboratory <br /> ' The sampling technician, while collecting all samples, wore disposable gloves <br />' A chain of custody document, listing all samples collected and their intended analyses, <br /> accompanied the samples from field to the laboratory, thereby providing a means to track <br /> their movement and ensure their integrity <br /> 13 Laboratory Analyses <br />' The groundwater samples collected on November 28, 2003, were delivered to Sherwood <br /> Labs of Hilmar, California (certification #1400) for analyses of _ <br />' • Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, and Xylene (BTEX), MTBE by EPA method 8020 <br /> • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA method 8015(M) <br />' The detection Iimits for the above analyses are listed in Table 4 of Appendix A, while the <br /> lab analytical results are presented in Appendix B <br />' As required under AB2886, the groundwater elevation and laboratory data were submitted <br /> electronically to GeoTracker on January 29, 2004 - confirination numbers 8164015054 and <br /> 7611041724 <br />