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Geo(ogccaCTechnics Inc <br />Groundwater Monitoring Report <br />Project No 724 2 <br />November 13, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />A chain of custody document, listing all samples collected and their intended analyses, <br />accompanied the samples from field to the laboratory, thereby providing a means to track <br />their movement and ensure their integrity <br />1.3 Laboratory Analyses <br />The groundwater samples collected on September 17, 2001, were delivered to Sherwood <br />Labs of Hilmar, California (certification #1400) for analysis of <br />• Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, and Xylene (BTEX), MTBE by EPA method 602 <br />• Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA method 5030/8015(M) <br />The detection limits for the above analyses are listed in Table 4 of Appendix A, while the <br />lab analytical results are presented in Appendix B <br />2.0 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION <br />The results of the groundwater sample analysis show the following <br />• Wells MW -1, MW -5, MW -6, MW -7 and MW- 104 did not contain contaminant <br />concentrations above the laboratory reporting limits <br />• Wells MW -2 has moderate benzene contamination and trace to low concentrations of <br />the other BTEX analytes <br />• Well MW -3 and MW -4 contain low concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX <br />• Intermediate wells MW -106 and MW -107 contained low BTEX concentrations and low <br />to moderate TPH-G <br />• Deep well MW -104 did not contain contaminant concentrations above the laboratory <br />reporting limits for the fourth consecutive event <br />• TPH-G was not detected in water table wells MW -4 through MW -7 However, benzene <br />was present in well MW -4 <br />• TPH-G was detected in intermediate wells MW -2, MW -3 and MW -107 Figure 5 — <br />Intermediate Well TPH-G Concentrations - illustrates the extent of the TPH-G plume <br />• MTBE was detected in intermediate well MW -2, MW -106 and MW -107 utilizing EPA <br />Method 602 The levels detected are consistent with those detected in past events <br />utilizing EPA Method 8260 <br />The shallow groundwater plume is evident in well MW -4 and defined laterally to the east <br />(down gradient) by MW -5 and MW -6 This situation is illustrated in Figure 6 — Water <br />Table Well Benzene Concentrations Figure 7 — Intermediate Well Benzene Concentrations <br />& Figure 8 — Intermediate Well MTBE Concentrations suggest that a significant plume does <br />not exist below the water table The presence of TPH-G contamination in well MW -106 <br />and MW -107 suggests that a submerged plume is being sourced by residual soil <br />