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' G eo(o8 urcalTechns 2irc Page 5 <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Report <br /> Project No 724 2 <br /> March 13,2001 <br /> contamination beneath the present water table It is noted that the screened intervals of <br /> these wells (55-60 feet bgs) are placed near the elevation of the groundwater table in 1992 --- <br /> approximately 54 feet bgs <br /> Oxidation/Reduction Potential (ORP) measurements (Table 5) corroborate the lab analysis <br /> and show that only MW-5 & 6 have normal ORP The negative ORP values observed in the <br /> rest of the wells show that they are either within the core of the contamination plume or are <br /> in the reaction/depletion shadow down gradient of the plume <br /> 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> GTI makes the following recommendations <br />' • Continue quarterly monitoring to determine contaminant trends <br /> Perform fate and transport modeling to determine risk to off site receptors <br />' 4.0 LIMITATIONS <br /> This report was prepared in ac.cordanc.e with the a"epted standards and practices of the <br /> field of environmental geology, groundwater hydrology and good business practices It <br /> should be recognized that definition and evaluation of environmental conditions is a <br /> difficult and an inexact science Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations <br /> are generally made with an incomplete knowledge of the site-specific conditions present <br /> The tasks proposed and completed during this project were reviewed and approved by the <br /> local regulatory agency for compliance with the law No warranty, expressed or implied, <br /> 1 is made <br />