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Morita Brothers Service Station 8 November 6, 1992 <br /> The gasoline constituent volatile aromatics, total xylenes were detected in ten of the <br /> ' thirty soil samples Total xylenes were detected at a concentration of 0 86 mg/kg at a <br /> depth of 30 feet in boring TH-4 Total xylenes were detected at a concentration of <br /> 0 042 mg/kg at a depth of 35 feet in boring TH-3 Total xylenes were detected at a <br /> concentration of 0 032 mg/kg at a depth of 40 feet in boring TH-1 Total xylenes were <br /> ' detected at a concentration of 0 031 mg/kg at a depth of 45 feet in boring TH-4 Total <br /> xylenes were detected at a concentration of 0 02 mglkg at a depth of 30 feet in boring <br /> TH-2 The other two samples which detected the presence of total xylenes, detected <br /> total xylenes at a concentration of less than 002 mg/kg <br /> Total lead was detected at a concentration of 20 mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet in boring <br /> TH-2, and 19 mg/kg at depths of 25 and 35 feet in boring TH-1 and at a depth of 20 feet <br /> ' in boring TH-2 These samples were also analyzed for soluble lead and none was <br /> detected <br /> Regional Water Quality Control Board recommended guidelines for gasoline, and the <br /> gasoline constituent volatile aromatics, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total <br /> xylenes have been calculated using the LUFT methodology by multiplying the most <br /> stringent current federal or state water quality standards by a factor of 100 to <br /> account for attenuation due to site-specific parameters including vertical separation <br /> to ground water, soil lithology, fractures in subsurfaces, annual average <br /> precipitation, and any direct conduits to ground water The recommended guidelines <br /> are 10 mg/kg for TPPH as gasoline, 0 3 mg/kg for benzene, 0 3 mg/kg for toluene, 10 <br /> ' mg/kg for ethylbenzene, and 10 mg/kg for total xylenes <br /> Laboratory analytical results for the thirty selected soil samples from the seven <br /> ' borings are summarized in Table 3 - Summary of Analytical Results Copies of the <br /> analytical reports and chain of custody documentation are presented in Appendix B - <br /> ' Laboratory Analytical Results <br /> EB-8101-3 <br /> 9210-EO55 RPT <br /> 91Lā€” <br /> - - ā€” <br />