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1 <br /> Morita Brothers Service Station 6 November 6, 1992 <br /> �s <br /> Based on the soil sampling and analysts, concentrations of TPPH as gasoline and the <br /> gasoline constituent volatile aromatics present in the soils at the site exceed current <br /> recommended guidelines Additional site characterization was required by the San <br /> Joaquin County Department of Environmental Health Services in the vicinity of the <br /> north end of the gasoline product pipelines, and beneath the tormer 5,000 gallon <br /> underground unleaded gasoline storage tank ESE was retained by Crisp Construction <br /> to perform the site characterization Below are the results of the site <br /> characterization <br /> A total of seven soil borings were drilled within this phase of soil characterization <br /> (Figure 2) A soil boring (TH-I) was advanced through the northern end of the <br /> tormer eastern 5,000 gallon gasoline tank excavation and slant drilled at 200 from <br /> vertical to the south with a bottom hole location beneath the center of the tank to <br /> assess the vertical extent of impacted soil beneath this probable source Four soil <br /> borings (TH-3 through TH-6) were positioned to assess the lateral extent of gasoline <br /> concentrations in the soil A soil boring (TH-2) was advanced adjacent to the former <br /> location of the product pipeline adjacent to the northern dispenser island due to the <br /> overhanging canopy, and slant drilled at 200 from vertical to the east with a bottom <br /> hole location beneath the product line and dispensers to assess the vertical extent of <br /> impacted soil beneath this probable source The seventh soil boring (TH-7) was <br /> positioned to assess the lateral extent of gasoline concentrations in the soil in this <br /> farea Boring TH-3 was position between the former leaking tank and product line to <br /> provide lateral information on both possible sources <br /> Three of the thirty samples analyzed contained detectable levels of TPPH as gasoline <br />' TPPH as gasoline was detected at a concentration of 0 54 mgIkg at a depth of 40 feet in <br /> boring TH-1, which was slant drilled 250 to the south from the north side of the 5,000 <br /> gallon unleaded gasoline tank excavation TPPH as gasoline was not detected in <br /> boring TH-1 in samples from 25, 30, 35, 45, 50, and 55 feet TPPH as gasoline was <br /> detected at a concentration of 0 81 mg/kg at a depth of 35 Leet in boring TH-3, which <br /> was drilled 10 feet northwest of boring TH-1 TPPH as gasoline was not detected in <br /> boring TH-3 in samples from 15, 25, 45, and 50 feet TPPH as gasoline was detected at a <br /> EB-8101-3 9210-E055 RPT <br />