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V <br />Morita Brothers Service Station <br />2 <br />August 21, 1992 <br />PURPOSE AND SCOPE <br />Subject to your acceptance of this work plan, ESE's plan to investigate the <br />groundwater includes <br />• Prepare a Site Health and Safety Plan covering the field operations associated <br />with this investigation <br />• Conduct a Phase I Groundwater Characterization including the drilling and <br />installing of three 2" groundwater monitoring wells, sampling and laboratory <br />analysis of the wells for the presence of total purgeable hydrocarbons as <br />gasoline and the gasoline constituent volatile aromatics, and the investigation <br />a groundwater flow direction, and gradient <br />• Preparation of a Report of Findings documenting the field activities, analytical <br />results, data analysis, conclusions and recommendations resulting from <br />groundwater investigation <br />Because these is a possibility that groundwater has been impacted by the release of <br />gasoline hydrocarbons at the site, the San Joaquin County Department of <br />Environmental Health Services has requested that a groundwater assessment be <br />conducted ESE on behalf of the Morita Brothers originally proposed that this <br />investigation consist of the installation of a single groundwater monitoring well <br />located down gradient from the location of the former gasoline tank The San <br />Joaquin County Department of Environmental Health Services has indicated that a <br />single well will not be acceptable, and that a minimum of three groundwater <br />monitoring wells will be required for a preliminary groundwater characterization <br />GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION <br />ro ndwater Monitoring Well Drilling <br />ESE proposes to drill and install three 2" groundwater monitoring wells at the site <br />(Figure 2) Prior to drilling, Underground Service Alert (USA) will be notified a <br />minimum of 48 hours in advance drilling activities A total of three wells will be <br />drilled within this phase of groundwater characterization One well, MW -1, will be <br />drilled in the southwest corner of the property in a presumed upgradlent location <br />from the former underground gasoline storage tanks A second well, MW -2, will be <br />drilled in a location presumed to be directly down gradient from the former tanks <br />. The third well, MW -3, will be drilled laterally down gradient of the former tanks <br />EB -8101-3 9208-EO46 WP <br />