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Morita Brothers Service Station I 1 July 16, 1992 <br /> ' The data obtained from the tank removal operations suggest that soil impacted with <br /> gasoline hydrocarbons at concentrations in excess RWQCB recommended guidelines <br /> exist at the subject site :n an area beneath the former location of the 5,000 gallon <br /> underground unleaded gasoline tank as well as the product pipeline associated with <br /> ' the northern gasoline dispensers The subsequent soil drilling activities indicate <br /> that gasoline hydrocarbons in excess of 10 mg/kg are confined to a depth of less than <br /> ' 25 feet below surface at the location of the former 5,000 gallon unleaded gasoline <br /> tank, and less than 20 feet at the location of the product pipeline associated with the <br /> northern gasoline dispensers, and less than 10 feet laterally from the former tank, <br /> and less than 10 feet laterally from the former location of the product pipeline <br /> associated with the northern gasoline dispensers There is a single anomolous <br /> ' laboratory result of benzene detected at a concentration of 10 mg/kg, and toluene <br /> detected at 13 mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet in boring TH-4, which was positioned 15 <br /> feet west of the west side of the former 5,000 gallon unleaded gasoline tank However <br /> TPH as gasoline was detected at a concentration of only 5 85 mglkg in this sample, <br /> and the concentration of benzene at a depth of 20 feet was only 0 021 mg/kg, and <br /> 0 052 mg/kg at a depth of 40 feet in this boring This indicates a very limited volume <br /> of impacted soil in the vicinity of the 30 foot sample Laboratory analysis of soil <br />' samples from the two vertical assessing borings detected total lead at what appears to <br /> be a background concentration of 19 to 20 mg/kg Soluble lead was analyzed for in <br />' these samples and none was detected Therefore, no lead impacted soil has been <br /> observed Based on the field information and analytical data, it appears that if <br />' remediation measures are undertaken, they would involve less than 300 cubic yards <br /> of soil in the area of the former 5,000 gallon unleaded gasoline tank, less than 200 <br />' cubic yard of soil in the area of the product pipeline associated with the northern <br /> gasoline dispensers <br />' Because these is a possibility that groundwater has been impacted by the release of <br /> gasoline hydrocarbons, the San Joaquin County Department of Environmental Health <br /> Services has requested that a groundwater assessment be conducted ESE on behal of <br /> he—Morita Brothers proposes t at—this—investigation const t of the installation of a <br /> EB-8101-3 9207-EO37 WP <br />