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Morita Brothers 5 May 6, 1992 <br /> a <br /> south end of the tank No volatile aromatics were detected in these samples TPH as <br /> gasoline and diesel as well as the volatile aromatics, EDB, and PCBs were not detected <br /> in sample TK-4 from beneath the 500 gallon waste oil tank However, TPH as oil and <br /> ' grease was detected at 40 mg/kg, and lead was detected at 25 mg/kg in this sample <br /> None of the other CAM Title 22 metals were detected above apparent background <br /> ' concentrations TPH as gasoline was detected in samples SPE-1, SPE-2, and SPW from <br /> the stockpiled soil at concentrations of 8 mg/kg, 32 mg/kg, and 120 mg/kg, <br /> respectively Lead was detected in these samples at 27 mg/kg, 24 mg/kg, and 15 <br /> mg/kg, respectively <br /> Table 1 presents a summary of the analytical results for TPH as gasoline, the gasoline <br /> constituent volatile aromatics, EDB, and total lead in the twelve soil samples from <br /> beneath the fuel tanks, product pipelines, and excavation stockpiles <br /> TABLE 1 Analytical Results expressed in milligrams per kilogram 1 <br /> Sample I Depth I TPH Benzene Toluene I Ethyl- I Total I EDB Total <br />' Gasoline benzene X lenes I Lead <br /> TKA N 12' ND ND ND ND ND ND 34 <br /> TK-IS 12' , 210* ND ND 0 15 0203 ND 6.4 <br /> TK-2N 12' 980 0* 1 1.665* 6 335* �0 800- 41 335 NA NA <br /> TK-2S 12' 1,,2.2500- 5.905* 1 114330- , `1 215 '444935* NA NA <br />' TK-3N 12' r 80 0* ND ND ND ND NA NA <br /> TK-3S 12' ND ND ND ND ND NA NA <br /> PN-1 3' ;-50.0* 4 2* 19* 4-8 - L8 0 - ND1 84 0' <br /> PS-2 3' ND ND ND ND ND ND ,`5 0' <br /> PC-3 3' ND ND ND ND ND ND —F \4 2- <br /> SPE-1 3' t 8 0' 0-007- r`0 015 -,0080 1,, -03.03 ND 270 <br /> SPE-2 3' r32 0* -001 - ,0 28 0.54 ,2 84 ' ND 24 0' <br /> SPW 3' x120 0* - 0 06- 14*-- cl 3 C6.0 ND c15 0 <br /> AL NA 10 067 10 68 17 5 1 002 511000 <br /> * <br /> exceeds current recommended guidelines <br /> A L Regional Water Quality Control Board recommended guidelines for contaminants in soil The <br /> recommended guidelines were calculated using the LUFT methodology by multiplying the most <br /> stringent current federal or state water quality standards by a factor of 100 to account for <br /> attenuation due to soil composition and distance from groundwater <br /> EB-8101-2 9204-EO44 RPT <br />