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A <br /> 25 March 2009 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0121 <br /> Page 9 of 9 <br /> Each component of the DPE system willbe maintained on a weeklybasis according to manufacturers <br /> recommendations (i.e. lubrication, oil changing, system adjustments, etc.). <br /> 4.3.2. DPE-Ground Water Extraction Monitoring <br /> During the start-up period for the DPE system, influent, intermediate (post-DPE and between each <br /> carbon vessel) and effluent (post-treatment) DPE-ground water samples will be collected from <br /> sampling ports; DPE-ground water operational parameters (i.e, depth to water, water totalizer (total <br /> gallons), pressure gauge readings, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen) will be monitored on a <br /> daily basis. Following the start-up period, the DPE-ground water extraction system will be <br /> monitored, at a minimum, on a weekly basis and water samples will be collected at a minimum on <br /> a monthly basis or as required by wastewater discharge requirements. <br /> DPE ground water samples from the system influent, intermediate and effluent ports will be <br /> collected and submitted to a CDPH-certified laboratory for constituents listed in Section 3 .3 . 1 . <br /> Laboratory reports for ground water analysis, testing methods, laboratory QA/QC reports and sample <br /> chain of custody documentation will be presented in quarterly reports. <br /> 4.3 .3 . DPE-System Maintenance <br /> The DPE system will be maintained on a weekly basis, according to manufacturers <br /> recommendations. After stabilization, routine maintenance should represent the only periods of <br /> "down time" for the system. One to two times each month (assuming 24-hour operation), the unit <br /> will be shut down for routine maintenance procedures such as oil/filter changing, carbon change <br /> outs, maintenance and system inspections or adjustments. <br /> Advanced GeoEndronmental, Inc. <br />