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25 March 2009 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0121 <br /> Page 4 of 9 <br /> Hydrocarbon impacted groundwaterwill be treated byprocessing through a tower-profile air stripper <br /> with a minimum of six to seven trays and subsequently through liquid-phase activated carbon. <br /> Treated ground water will be discharged under permit via on-site sanitary sewer conveyance system <br /> to the City of Stockton sanitary sewage conveyance system located on Navy Drive. A flow chart of <br /> the DPE system is depicted in Figure 6. <br /> Dii.1N 1V <br /> 3 .5 JUSTIFICATION FOR EXTRACTION WELL SELECTION <br /> Based on an evaluation of the on-site network of monitoring and remediation wells AGE <br /> recommends the use of wells EW- 1 , VW- and AW- 1 . The following is a brief justification for the <br /> use and selection of each well: <br /> • Extraction well EW- 1 , screened from 20 to 40 feet bsg, was selected based on findings <br /> during the Dual Phase Extraction Pilot Test performed during December 2007 and because <br /> of its location, which is centered in the "core" area of both the soil and ground water <br /> contaminant plumes (HU2/110). A two year evaluation of the analytical data collected from <br /> 13 September 2006 to 23 December 2008 indicates that EW4 is consistently one the most <br /> impacted wells onsite, with average concentrations of 185,000 micrograms per liter (µg/1) <br /> total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), 28,850 pg/I benzene, and <br /> 151 µg/I 1 ,2-Dichloroethane ( 152-DCA). <br /> • Vapor extraction well VW4 was selected on the basis the following characteristics: <br /> screening interval (screened 10 to 30 feet bsg), drawn-down capability, location relative to <br /> source/core area of the contaminant plumes, contaminant concentration, and ability to <br /> provide hydraulic control (HUI /HU2/HU3). In general, VW- is within the core area ofboth <br /> the soil and ground water plumes, and contains elevated levels of TPH-g (> I 00,000 µg/1 ), <br /> benzene (>10,000 µg/1), and 1 ,2-DCA (> 100 µg/1. During routine monitoring events VW- I <br /> consistently draws down to around 22 feet bsg after bailer purging of only 7.5 gallons (an <br /> average removal rate of 1 to 2 gallons per minute). <br /> • Air sparging well AW- 1 was selected based on its location to the "core" area of the soil and <br /> 25 . ground water plumes (HU2/HU3), the elevated concentrations of TPH-g (> 100,000 µg/1), <br /> Lyre nN r j r benzene (> I 0,000 µg/1), and 1 ,2-DCA (>50 µg/1), and the amount of drawdown noted during <br /> Z , . quarterly ground water monitoring events. Drawn down has been noted on a relatively <br /> consistent basis, likely an indication that the well will be able to depress the water table, <br /> while enhancing vapor phase hydrocarbon removal. <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />