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' G eo(v rcaCTechnwcs Inc Page 6 <br /> Soil &Groundwater lriwestjgation Report <br /> J M Equipment <br /> Project No 507 2 <br /> July 5,2001 <br /> The lab data identified silts as predominant, while the field geologist identified clays as <br /> predominant This is not a concern given the difficult), in identifying the demarcation <br /> between silt and clay in wet (below the water table)field samples ] <br />' Y The clayey soils in the upper 20 ft of MW-109 contained prominent field evidence of <br /> c.ontainination- odor and staining The 80-foot sample in MW-109 had a faint <br /> hydrocarbon odor, and the OVM detected 19 parts per million organic vapors <br /> • The deeper soil encountered in SB-109 was a blue/grey to blue/green color so it was <br /> difficult to visually determine when drilling had progressed past the contamination <br /> 40 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />' Based on our interpretation of the data collected over the course of this subsurface <br /> investigation we have reached several conclusions These conclusions are based on the <br /> premise that the data we considered, although incomplete, are representative of actual site <br /> conditions We acknowledge that there may be undiscovered conditions, which would upon <br /> their consideration, change our interpretation and thus our conclusions <br /> Our recommendations are based on our knowledge of site conditions and the state of and <br />' limitations of subsurface investigative technology <br /> 4.1 Conclusions <br /> Geological Technics Inc , taking into consideration the data obtained during the soil and <br /> groundwater investigation, makes the following conclusions <br /> I The soil plume is defined laterally (clockwise- from north) by soil borings MW-6, <br /> MW-2, MW-8, MW-1, MW-7, SB-6 and MW-10 <br /> 2 The soil plume is defined vertically by MW-109 <br /> 3 The majority of the soil contamination present is localized in the near vicinity of the <br /> former UST and is present at depths of 10 — 30 feet bgs <br /> 4 The soil in the 10 -- 30 feet bgs interval is silty/clayey lithology and not conducive to <br /> soil vapor extraction remedial technology <br /> 4.2 Recommendations <br />' Geological Technics Inc intakes the following iecomrnendations based on the conclusions <br /> outlined above <br /> ® Groundwater monitoring should be performed on a quarterly basis to determine the <br /> stability of this plume <br /> o Testing for natural attenuating parameters should be included in the monitoring project <br /> to determine if biodegradation is mitigating the plume <br /> 0 A risk evaluation should be performed to determine if this contamination poses a threat <br /> to public health or the environment <br />