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47wfog4ut Teclrxlcs titc Page 6 <br /> 4'h Quarter 2004 Groundwater Morutonng Report <br /> Project No 507 2 <br /> February 22,2005 <br /> 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMAUNDATIONS <br /> ' Conclusions <br /> 1 Elevated concentrations of BTEX, TPH-G and MTBE are present in a laterally limited <br /> groundwater plume that is centered on MW-9 <br /> ' 2 The MTBE and previously monitored 1,2-DCA plumes are insignificant in comparison to <br /> the BTEX and TPH-G plumes <br /> 3 The lateral extent of the TPH-G plume is defined to the southeast, northeast and east by <br /> wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 respectively <br /> 4 The lateral extent of the TPH-G plume is defined to the southwest and northwest by wells <br /> ' MW-7 and MW-10 respectively <br /> 5 The BTEX/TPH-G groundwater contamination plume is defined vertically by MW-109, <br /> which is screened 40 feet below MW-9 This suggests that the vertical gradient has not <br /> ' moved the contaminants very deep into the subsurface <br /> 6 The groundwater gradient flows to the northeast or east with relatively flat slopes, which <br /> appears not to significantly influence contaminant nugration <br /> ' 7 The groundwater contaminant concentrations have increased in the core plume (well <br /> MW-9) after a temporary decrease (after the infection pilot test started on March 19, <br /> 2004) in the first quarter 2004 , <br /> 8 The center of the plume has not migrated beyond the source area giving evidence that the <br /> plume is not iTugrating laterally or vertically by advective flow <br /> 9 The data shows that the plume is stable and is not being degraded by natural <br /> biodegradation causes <br /> Recommendations <br />' • Maintain the modified quarterly monitoring schedule <br /> A work plan for "In Situ Remediation Feasibility Study" dated September 20, 2002 and <br /> an addendum to the plan were submitted to San Joaquin County Environmental Health <br /> Department (SJC EHD) SJC EHD approved the study in their March 20, 2003 letter and <br /> requested a detailed work plan for evaluation GTI submitted our June 10, 2003 "In-Situ <br />' Remediation Pilot Test" work plan for an in-situ hydrogen peroxide infection pilot <br /> project and SJC EHD issued approval of the work plan in their September 10, 2003 <br /> letter The installation of three, 3/4" diameter monitoring wells was completed on <br />' February 5, 2004 and the injections began in mid March 2004 A report on the pilot test <br /> was submitted to SJC EHD for review They have since commented on the field work <br /> and requested that a site conceptual model (SCM) be submitted <br />' 0 Since there is uncertainty regarding the intrerbedded nature of the fine grained silts/clays <br /> with the coarser grained sand units in a vertical profile of the soil at the site due to the 5- <br /> foot sampling interval, we propose to perform several continuous core boreholes The <br />' purpose of this work is to provide detailed understanding of the thinner geologic units at <br /> this site The data generated by this effort will then be used to formulate a site <br /> conceptual model required by SJC EHD <br />