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. odors were not evident in soil samples from this well when it was drilled, and none were <br /> detected in either of the two soil samples that were submitted for laboratory analysis <br /> Further, no hydrocarbons were evident in sidewall samples to the east of this well during <br /> the 1995 excavation of contaminated soil (Figure 2) Hence, the most likely source of the <br /> hydrocarbons is soil to the south or east of the well, at a depth of 30 feet or greater <br /> (groundwater was at this depth when oxygenates were first detected in water samples) <br /> The Regional Water Quality Control Board,has approved the November 2003 work plan <br /> to install additional monitoring wells We have delayed drilling in order to provide the <br /> State UST Cleanup Fund more time to reimburse the RP, and also to collect water <br /> samples in the first and second quarters of 2004 to determine where additional wells <br /> might be most beneficial Previously,we proposed installing two wells downgradient of <br /> JLM-3 (JLM-14 and JLM-15), one well downgradient of JLM-5 (JLM-13), and one well <br /> upgradient of JLM-5 (JLM-12) However, sufficient data have now been collected to <br /> indicate that the dissolved-phase plume is stable in the vicinity of JLM-3 and JLM-5, and <br /> it therefore appears unnecessary to install four new wells to confirm this Furthermoie, <br /> the recent increase in oxygenate concentrations in JLM-4 warrants further investigation <br /> in that area Therefore, we propose to revise our November 2003 plan by installing only <br /> one downgradient well (JLM-13, Figure 5) and installing one well within the formerly <br /> excavated area closer to JLM-4 This well (JLM-14, Figure 5) is needed in order to better <br /> understand the source and migration of oxygenates in the vicinity of JLM-4 If this <br /> proposal is acceptable, the work will be scheduled in the middle of the third quarter of <br /> 2004 <br /> 4 <br />