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r <br /> • 3.0 RESULTS <br /> 3.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Flow Direction <br /> The depth to groundwater on April 5 was approximately 27 feet below grade (Table l) <br /> This depth is approximately 2 5 feet greater than a year ago, but about 2 feet less than in <br /> December 2003 Using the 3-point method to contour these values yields a groundwater <br /> elevation (piezometric surface) map with a uniform gradient of 0 0027 ft/ft sloping to the <br /> southwest (Figure 3) This is the first time since the wells were installed that flow was in <br /> this direction Usually the flow direction is southeast, although 1n January 2003 it was to <br /> the northeast <br /> 3.2 Laboratory Results <br /> Hydrocarbon concentrations in JLM-4 continue to be below the detection limit except for <br /> MTBE (26 parts per billion--ppb) and TBA (I 1 ppb) This is the first time that TBA has <br /> been detected to this well and the second consecutive quarter to which MTBE has been <br /> detected (at twice the concentration of the previous quarter) This suggests that gasoline <br /> oxygenates have migrated to this well since the third quarter of 2003 <br /> Oxygenate and lead scavenger concentrations in JLM-3 and JLM-5 remained constant <br /> this quarter, but Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon and BTEX concentrations rose in both <br /> wells This is probably due to differences in laboratory procedures or interpretation of the <br /> • data acquired using EPA method 8015 Samples collected in the fourth quarter of 2003 <br /> were analyzed by Excelchem Analytical Laboratory gather than by McCampbelI <br /> Analytical Because there is less variability in the analysis of data using EPA method <br /> 8260, the oxygenate and lead scavenger data from the two laboratories are more <br /> consistent Which laboratory's EPA 8015 data are more accurate is unknown perhaps 1t <br /> would be advisable in the next sampling event to have both laboratories analyze the <br /> samples using both methods, or submit duplicate samples to three laboratories to compare <br /> the EPA 8015 results and determine which laboratory should be used in the future <br /> � I <br /> 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> In the Fourth Ouarter 2003 Monitoring Report we observed that concentrations have <br /> declined in both JLM-3 and JLM-5 over time and remained at or below detection Iimits <br /> in JLM-4, suggesting that natural attenuation may lead to site cleanup without the <br /> necessity for active remediation The declining pattern pertains only to TPH-g and <br /> BTEX, gasoline oxygenate and lead scavenger concentrations have remained largely <br /> unchanged throughout the past two years except for the recent rise in JLM-4 (Table 2) <br /> Whether the apparent decline in non-oxygenate concentrations is real is now somewhat <br /> uncertain, because concentrations reported in April 2004 rose above those reported in late <br /> 2003 Hence, continued monitoring is necessary to establish a clear pattern in the <br /> concentrations of all analytes Due to the uncertainty regarding the concentrations <br /> . reported by different laboratories using EPA method 8015,we recommend one of the <br /> following three protocols 1) collect duplicate samples and instruct both Exclechem and <br /> 3 <br />