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. 3.0 RESULTS <br /> 3.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Flow Direction <br /> The depth to groundwater on November 18 was between 28 and 29 feet below grade, <br /> which is about 2 feet shallower than in September(Table 1) Using the three-point <br /> method to contour these values yields a groundwater•elevation (piezometric surface) map <br /> with a uniform gradient of 0 0043 ft/ft (Figure 3), which is slightly steeper than the <br /> calculated gradient of 0 0033 ft/ft in September In both quarters, as in six of the past <br /> seven quarters, the flow direction has been to the southeast In the fourth event (first <br /> quarter of this year), the gradient was to the northeast <br /> 3.2 Laboratory Results <br /> The MTBE concentration in JLM-4 increased from below the detection limit in <br /> September to 13 parts per billion in November(Table 2) Although the concentration is <br /> still low, this is a fairly sharp increase that seems rather questionable, especially since <br /> MTBE has not previously been detected in this well and other hydrocarbons (1,2-DCA, <br /> xylene, and TPH-g) all decreased below detection limits The MTBE concentration might <br /> be due to some laboratory error, such as interpretation of the chromatogram <br /> Concentrations in JLM-3 were mostly unchanged from September, although the 1 2-DCA <br /> concentration doubled from 11 parts per billion to 21 In JLM-5, the TPH-g concentration <br /> . doubled and even larger increases were reported in benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylene, <br /> but the 1,2-DCA concentration declined by half This lack of consistency in the <br /> concentrations of various analytes is rather difficult to explain, particularly when overall <br /> concentrations are so low The changes appear to be rather random, and the evidence <br /> collected to date suggests that the dissolved-phase plume is fairly stable and is not <br /> migrating in any particular direction This is discussed further in the following section <br /> 4.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> Figure 4 shows the trend in hydrocarbon concentrations in two of the monitoring wells <br /> over the past seven quarters The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Total BTEX curves <br /> are strikingly similar for both wells Excluding a 6-month period during the middle of <br /> this year, there has been a general decline in concentrations since monitoring began The <br /> TPH-g concentration has declined by 94% in JLM-3, and 75% in JL-M-5 The Total <br /> BTEX concentration has declined by 87% in JLM-3 and by 82% in JLM-5 In JLM-3, <br /> much of that decline took place soon after the well was installed, in JLM-5, the decline <br /> has been more steady and gradual These results are encouraging, and if they continue <br /> into 2004, it is likely that natural attenuation will result in site cleanup'without the <br /> necessity for any active remediation efforts <br /> 3 <br />