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Further drilling, as proposed in the second half of 2003 and approved by the Water <br /> Board, is still planned No schedule has been set, but a late February or early March <br /> completion date is anticipated <br /> 5.0 RESULTS OF WELL SURVEY <br /> In accordance with the Work Plan Addendum that was submitted to CVRWQCB in <br /> August 2002 and approved in September 2002, Upgradient Environmental conducted a <br /> door-to-door survey of property owners within 500 feet of J&L Market to more <br /> accurately determine the number of domestic water wells that are currently in use in the <br /> area and to identify property owners who may be willing to allow their well to be <br /> sampled A Survey Questionnaire was prepared in August 2002 to elicit responses from <br /> the J&L neighbors A copy of the questionnaire is included in Appendix C <br /> Approximately 35 questionnaires were distributed door-to-door in late August 2002 <br /> Residents were asked to fill out the questionnaire and either fax or marl it to Upgradient <br /> Environmental or call our office <br /> Only three property owners responded to this survey Silva Trucking, located <br /> immediately adjacent to J&L Market at 36 W Mathews Road, indicated that two wells <br /> are located on their property One well is believed to be 80-100 feet in depth, and the <br /> other is thought to be 400 feet in depth Silva Trucking declined to allow their wells to be <br /> sampled <br /> Another property owner returned the questionnaire by mail but did not include her <br /> address She indicated that she does not have an active well on her property <br /> The third owner, Ferne P Baumgardner, agreed to allow tli'e well on her property (44 W <br /> Hurd Rd ) to be sampled She was uncertain of the depth of the well <br /> In summary,the door-to-door survey was not successful in gathering additional data on <br /> the use of well water in the vicinity <br /> • <br /> 4 <br />