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California for treatment The excavation was backfilled with imported soil and crushed <br /> rock, which was compacted in accordance with County regulations <br /> After all laboratory work was complete, Upgradient Environmental submitted the Site <br /> Remediation Report in December 1995 Residual hydrocarbons were detected in two of <br /> the sidewall samples from the west wall, where further excavation was precluded because <br /> of the proximity of the service station building Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gasoline) <br /> were detected at 9 mg/kg (parts per million) in sample JL-P-13 in a clay layer at a depth <br /> of 25 feet and at 4,200 mg/kg in sample JL-P-15 in a sand layer at 12 5 feet (Figure 3) <br /> No hydrocarbons were detected in samples below the clay layer, and because organic <br /> vapor concentrations (PID readings) declined rapidly below this layer, Upgradient <br /> Environmental interpreted the clay as a confining layer that inhibited downward <br /> migration of gasoline <br /> In July 1996,PHS/EHD requested further investigation of the residual contamination that <br /> was detected in samples JL-P-13 and JL-P-15 However, no work was performed until <br /> Mr Fisk discussed the matter with representatives of the CVRWQCB in mid-2001 These <br /> discussions led to the July 2001 request by Mr Marty Hartzell of the CVRWQCB for a <br /> drilling investigation work plan Mr Fisk again retained Upgradient Environmental to <br /> perform the work, which was completed in June 2002 Three monitoring wells were <br /> installed, and groundwater samples were collected for analysis Those results were <br /> presented in the Second Quarter 2002 Report Groundwater was again monitored during <br /> _. the third quarter, and the results are reported here <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES, <br /> Groundwater monitoring was conducted on August 19 The wells were opened and the <br /> water level was allowed to equilibrate with atmospheric pressure for approximately 15 <br /> minutes before the depth to water was measured The relative elevation of the top of the <br /> well casing was surveyed for each well, and a water level meter accurate to 0 01 feet was <br /> used to measure the water depth (Appendix A) Each well was then purged of <br /> approximately 6 gallons of water, and temperature and electrical conductivity were <br /> measured at 2-gallon intervals to confirm that the standing water had been removed and <br /> these parameters had stabilized , ) <br /> Water samples were collected by lowering a disposable Teflon® bailer to the water table <br /> Three 40-m1 vials and one 1-liter bottle were collected from each well and preserved in a <br /> cooled ice chest <br /> The water samples were shipped to McCampbell Analytical Laboratory in Pacheco, <br /> where they were analyzed for Total Purgeable and Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons <br /> in the gasoline and diesel ranges (TPH-g and TPH-d), Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, <br /> and xylene (BTEX), and for five gasoline oxygenates and dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) The <br /> laboratory report is included in Appendix B, and the results are discussed in section 4 0 <br /> 3 <br />