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Remediation Report - 152 East 11 th Street, Tracy, California Page 4 <br /> additional wells groundwater-quality monitoring wells - making a total of eight - were <br /> installed for the Navarras to futher investigate the characteristics of the contanunation that <br /> had been found affecting the subsurface beneath their property and beneath adjacent land <br /> (Refs 7 and 8) Ultramar performed no futher investigations of the release of hydrocarbon <br /> fuels that had affected the Beacon station at 153 East 11th Street The locations of the <br /> groundwater-monitoring wells installed for the Navarras, which have been designated <br /> NAV, are also shown on Figure 2 <br /> Data from Site Investigations and Groundwater-quality Monitoring <br /> The investigation of the distribution and concentrations of components of gasoline in the <br /> subsurface beneath the 152 East lith Street site and the adjacent streets and private <br /> property progressed in stages The results from each stage were reported to the <br /> CRWQCB and, when that agency was assigned the role of lead agency, to the SJCPHS <br /> As data was obtained and evaluated, it was used to plan subsequent stages of <br /> investigation, establish a groundwater-quality monitoring program (Ref 8) and develop a <br /> corrective action plan (CAP) Where applicable, the results of the investigations performed <br /> for the subject property (i e 152 East 1 lth Street) were supplemented by available data <br /> from investigations performed for the Beacon station at 153 East 1 lth Street (Refs 6, 7, <br /> 9, 10, 12, 15, 16 and 19) <br /> 5 <br /> The results of analyses of soil and groundwater samples recovered from the wells installed <br /> lip for the Navarras and available information from the wells installed for Ulramar were used <br /> to establish the elevation of the groundwater table and the direction and gradient of <br /> groundwater flow and to evaluate the extent and characteristics of contamination in the <br /> subsurface (Ref 9) Groundwater pumping tests to evaluate the hydrogeologic properties <br /> of the soils beneath their property were also conducted for the Navarras at the direction of <br /> the SJCPHS (Ref 11) <br /> For convenience of reference, the results of analyses of all soil samples recovered from the <br /> well installation borings, the groundwater elevations computed from depths to <br />, r groundwater measured in and results of analyses of samples of groundwater recovered <br /> from the wells installed for both the 152 and 153 East Street sites have been compiled in <br /> Tables Al, A2 and A3, respectively, in Appendix A Logs of the wells installed for the <br /> Navarra's and the available logs of the wells installed for Ultramar are presented in <br /> Appendix B <br /> GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY <br /> The subject property and the surrounding area are situated on level terrain on the distal, <br /> northern slope of an alluvial fan The underlying alluvial sediments are of Quaternary to <br /> Recent age <br /> Soils beneath the site include clays, silty clays, sandy clays, clays with gravel, sands, silty <br /> sands and sands with gravel These clastic materials are distributed in a complex lenticular <br /> 1 <br />