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Plan Page 11 <br /> Corrective Action , <br /> r removal of all contaminated soil can be assured <br /> to adequately control the work so that e � <br /> Also, such excavations can not be backfilled to engineering specifications unless special, <br /> imported material, such as large-size, gap-graded crushed rock, is used and compacted by <br /> specialized equipment <br /> To control damage due to sand flowing into an excavation, it would be necessary to de- <br /> water the site so that the water table was lowered to a depth of at least 20 ft over <br /> essentially the entire area of the property and fully-interlocked, deeply-penetrating, steel, <br /> sheet piles would have to be installed around the whole perimeter before the contaminated <br /> soil was removed It is estimated that this would require continuous pumping at rates on <br /> the order of 300 gpm (gallons per minute) Management of such a quantity of <br /> rcontaminated water by temporary storage is not feasible and, even if were economically <br /> possible to continuously treat it so that it could be discharged directly to the sewers, such <br /> an operation would not be permissible under the terms of CRWQCB Order No 92-150 <br /> Even if the extraordinary measures to excavate contaminated soil from beneath the <br /> property that have been described above could be made feasible, such an operation would <br /> have only limited efficacy in remediating the affected groundwater This is because <br /> contaminated soil in inaccessible areas under the sidewalks and street, which include some <br /> 1 of the most severely affected zones of the subsurface, would not be included in the <br /> excavation The area that is accessible to excavation amounts to no more than 28% of the <br /> total area of the subsurface that is affected by gasoline <br /> undwatcr Recovery and TLcalm=L Groundwater affected by gasoline can be <br /> effectively remediated by pumping from recovery wells and treating the recovered water <br /> to remove contaminants before it is discharged as clean water Several water-treatment <br /> methods are available including air stripping and carbon adsorption, which are both well- <br /> proven and effective (Ref 1 ) <br /> The principal disadvantage of remediation by groundwater recovery and treatment <br /> methods is that they do not expeditiously remediate contaminated soil that serves as a <br /> source of contaminants that slowly desorb from the soil and dissolve into the water <br /> However, as water is drawn through the subsurface strata under the action of the pumps, <br /> contaminants are flushed from the affected soil and this effect can be accelerated by <br /> cyclically changing the pumping rate so that zones of affected soil at and beneath the static <br /> water table are repeatedly exposed and submerged This procedure also draws fresh <br /> supplies of oxygen into the vadose zone and stimulates microbial biodegradation of <br /> hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water <br /> The rate at which the contaminated soil is remediated by groundwater pumping depends <br /> upon the type and permeability of the soil and the contaminant concentrations Generally, <br /> permeable sands, such as those that are prevalent under the subject site are the most <br /> rapidly cleansed, while impermeable clay, which have a high adsorptive capacity, are the <br /> most resistant to remediation In the case of soils of intermediate permeability, such as the <br /> silty clays that occur together with the sands under the 152 East 11th Street site, the time <br />