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Corrective Action Plan <br /> Page 19 <br /> pumped well is equal to the gradient of the undisturbed groundwater flow away from the <br /> s well before pumping from the well begins, then, at the northern (i a down gradient) <br /> perimeter of the effective zone of influence of the pumped well, the gradient of the water <br /> table should be - 0 003 f1/ft In other words, the effective radius of influence of one of the <br /> proposed recovery well can be defined by the most distant down-gradient point at which <br /> ipumping from the well for a specified period (two weeks in this case considered here) <br /> produces a net change of 0 006 ft/ft in the groundwater gradient Entering this value for <br /> ds/dr into Eq 2 and solving for r yields a minimum radius of influence of 553 ft for the <br /> zone of influence of any one of the proposed groundwater recovery wells after it has been <br /> pumped at a steady rate of 10 gpm for two weeks (14 days) <br /> Although the derivation of the above estimate of the radius of influence of one of the <br /> proposed groundwater recovery wells required several simplifying assumptions, it is <br /> conservative and demonstrates that the proposed recovery well array will have a large area <br /> of influence that will be more than sufficient to produce hydraulic containment of the <br /> contaminated groundwater Furthermore, when all three recovery wells are pumped, the <br /> combined effect will produce greater drawdown at a given point and produce a larger area <br /> of influence than that produced by pumping from a single well as was assumed when <br /> making the estimate <br /> Soil Flushing and Cyclical Groundwater Pumping <br /> As discussed above, the proposed rates of pumping from the recovery wells will produce <br /> an extensive drawdown cone in the water table Within this zone of influence, hydraulic <br /> gradients will be steeply inclined toward the wells The resulting high groundwater flux <br />' will rapidly draw dissolved contaminants to the wells from both the near and far fields As <br /> it moves through the subsurface, this water flow will also flush hydrocarbons from the <br />' affected soils <br /> During the period immediately following the start of pumping there will be vigorous soil <br /> flushing action in the near field of the recovery wells where the hydraulic gradients and <br /> groundwater flux will be very high However, continuous steady pumping will draw down <br /> the water table in the near field of the wells so that it will be locally below the depth where <br />' the soil is most severely affected by contaminants The estimated drawn-down elevation of <br /> the groundwater table after steady pumping from the recovery well for a period of two <br /> weeks is shown on Figures 7 and 8 Under these conditions, the rate of remediation of the <br />' near-field soils will be inhibited <br /> Experience has shown that remediation of soil and groundwater is accelerated when the <br />' rate at which groundwater is recovered from an affected area is changed periodically <br /> compared to the rate of remediation achieved by steady pumping Each time that the <br /> pumping rate is changed, the groundwater level rises or falls and flushes contaminated soil <br />' in the zone around the water table This action is particularly beneficial in the near field of <br /> the wells where, during each drawdown cycle, water moves forcefully through the most <br /> severely affected soil and high flushing rates are achieved Periodic rises and falls of the <br />