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Groundwater Quality Monitoring - 152 East 11 th Street, Tracy Page 6 <br /> above the water table during the dry season Such seasonal fluctuations are commonly <br /> is <br /> observed at sites affected by releases of hydrocarbon fuels <br /> Examination of the data compilation presented in Table 4 shows that, while there have <br /> been seasonal variations in the concentrations of components of hydrocarbon fuels in the <br /> groundwater, there has been a significant net reduction in the concentration of <br /> contaminants in the groundwater over the period since contamination of the subsurface at <br /> this site was first discovered This reduction is attributed to natural remediation by <br /> bacterial digestion of hydrocarbons (bioremediation) that converts these materials into <br /> carbon dioxide and water Natural bioremediation of components of fuel hydrocarbons in <br /> soil and groundwater at sites where leakage of fuels into the subsurface has been <br /> eliminated (as is the case at the subject site following the removal of the underground <br /> storage tanks in April 1984) is commonly observed <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE GROUNDWATER QUALITY <br /> MONITORING <br /> The round of sampling performed on February 25th 1994 completed a full cycle of <br /> groundwater quality monitoring that has included sampling of all wells installed for both <br /> the 152 and 153 East I lth street sites to establish a comprehensive data base, observation <br /> of seasonal variations in groundwater elevations, flow directions and gradients and, <br /> observation of seasonal fluctuations in the concentrations of hydrocarbon components in <br /> the groundwater as well as the long term trends in these data The results of the program <br /> have satisfied each of the objectives established by the Groundwater Sampling Plan - <br /> Pr 152 EasLljth. Tracy, California . <br /> As noted previously, analysis of the substantial body of groundwater-quality data now <br /> available for the subject site 1 ) confirms the interpretation shown on Figure 2 that <br /> indicates the extent to which the subsurface has been affected by hydrocarbons released at <br /> the 152 East Street site, 2 ) shows that seasonal variations in groundwater table elevations <br /> are typically less than 1 ft and seasonal variations in the groundwater flow direction and <br /> gradient are small, 3 ) indicates that, while there are minor seasonal fluctuations in the <br /> concentrations of fuel hydrocarbon components in groundwater beneath the affected areas <br /> of the site, over time, these concentrations have decreased significantly <br /> Together with other geotechnical data obtained for the site, the groundwater-duality <br /> database that has been established is sufficient to permit development of a corrective <br /> action plan for the site, including selection of cost-effective technologies and evaluation of <br /> principal design parameters However, as a conservative measure to check for unexpected <br /> changes in the distribution or concentration of contaminants, it is recommended that <br /> groundwater quality continue to be periodically monitored until the site can be released <br /> from regulatory oversight Because the concentrations of hydrocarbon fuels in <br /> groundwater have been observed to be slightly elevated during the wet season compared <br /> to the dry season, an annual round of sampling should be conducted in February To <br /> permit monitoring of any changing conditions within the interior of the 152 East Street <br />