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APPENDIX i <br /> Groundwater Monitoring Procedures <br /> I1.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROTOCOL <br />' All equipment that is used in a monitoring well for purging, sampling or depth measurement shall be <br /> decontaminated by steam cleaning or a TSP wash and triple-rinse procedure prior to use and before reusmg when <br /> purging or sampling <br />' 1 Each monitoring well is opened and allowed to equalize to atmospheric pressure prior to to <br /> sounding This time will be approximately'/,hour Each well will be accessed and the wellhead checked <br /> for damage and tampering <br /> I2 The first well to be monitored will be known or suspected clean wells The next wells to be monitored will <br /> be known or suspected wells that will contam contaminated groundwater The furthest up gradient <br /> contaminated well will be monitored first Subsequent wells will be monitored on a down-gradient basis <br /> 3 The depth-to-groundwater will be measured from the predetermined measure point on the well casing <br /> with a sounding tape and recorded to the nearest 0 01 foot In most cases the measuring point is the survey <br /> mark on the top of the well casing The tune,day and other observations will be recorded in a notebook <br /> The tip of the probe will then be examined in order to determine the presence or absence of product sheen <br /> If product sheen is detected or the well is known to have been previously identified as havmg petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater then prior to purging, a clean,transparent bailer is lowered into <br /> the well, and a sample of groundwater is hoisted to the surface The sample fluid is inspected for the <br /> presence of free-floating product on its surface <br /> • 4 The depth probe is then weighted and the bottom of the monitoring well is determined and recorded <br /> A calculation of the water contained in a single well casing volume will be made <br /> 5 Sampling activities conducted subsequent to the mitral water level and free-product layer determination <br /> will be preceded by purging a minimum of three to five well-volumes by hand-bailing or the use of an <br /> electrically-operated pump If a pump is used,the pump will be placed in the wellbore no more than five <br /> feet below the groundwater surface and the purgumg rate will be controlled so as to not allow the <br /> groundwater surface to decline more than two feet from the initial measurement These restrictions are to <br /> ensure that waters coming into the wellbore are representative in chemistry from the surrounding aquifer <br /> and are being extracted from the approximate depth of the groundwater surface and not from cascading <br /> water entering the wellbore filterpack from depths significantly below the top of the groundwater surface <br /> I A well is allowed to recharge to at least 80%of its prepurge groundwater surface elevation prior to <br /> sampling The purging rate will not be so great as to cause the well to go dry or have the formation water <br /> cascade down the casing If purging causes the well to be pumped dry,it will be allowed to recharge for <br /> up to 24 hours prior to sampling If the well does not recharge within 24 hours, it will be considered to be <br /> Ia dry well <br /> 6 Purge water will be monitored for the parameters of temperature,pH,and electrical conductivity until <br /> I stabilized The groundwater temperature,pH and electrical conductivity will be measured with field <br /> instruments and recorded in a notebook If required by regulatory agencies, field readings for dissolved <br /> oxygen(d-O,), displayed to the nearest tenths of parts per million, will be obtained utilizing a YSI Model <br /> I 50B or Hanna Instruments hand-held, W-9142, Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter or an equivalent <br /> device Generally,(d-OZ) higher concentrations are expected in samples which exhibit no impaction or are <br /> MainlDTnvirommntar%PamwTexaco\ReiwrtM93004QMR wpd <br /> I <br />