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1-3 Local Groundwater Flow Direction and Gradient <br /> The groundwater surface undulates slightly but has a gentle slope toward S50W with a gradient of 0 001 <br /> (Figure 4). This flow direction and gradient are consistent with published groundwater data from the City <br /> of Lodi(Environmental Forensic Investigations,Inc , 2002)and San Joaquin County Department of Public <br /> Works(2000)groundwater surface elevations for the North San Joaqum Water Conservation District <br /> I334 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Groundwater Plume <br /> The areal or horizontal extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon groundwater plume at the site extended <br /> throughout the site All monitoring wells except MW-4 had reportable concentrations of petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons Significant concentrations of TPH-gasoline and benzene were present in well MW-1, 2, 3, <br /> and 6 at concentrations above maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) Minor concentrations of 1,2- DCA <br />' and 1,2-EDB above MCLs were reported in monitoring wells MW I and 3 MTBE was reported to be <br /> present at low concentrations in MW-2 and MW-3 <br /> A review of past groundwater petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations was made and included m the <br /> tabulations presenter)in Table 4 No horizontal )unit of the petroleum hydrocarbon contamination plume <br /> has been identified to date The past maximum areal extent of the groundwater petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> plume as determined from previous work suggests the site to has had a minimum areal extent of <br /> approximately 200 by 225 feet(45,000 square feet) The horizontal extent of petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> contamination groundwater plume for this reporting period is estimated to be at least 13,600 square feet <br /> This minimum documented groundwater plume extent is about the same size of the previous monitoring <br /> event in the first quarter of 2004 <br />� . The extent of the release is currently unknown and undocumented in both the vertical and horizontal extent <br /> It is unclear at this time if the site poses a threat to local water supplies_ <br /> 4.0 PLANNED FUTURE WORK <br /> The next planned operation for this site will include additional Quarterly Status Report(QSR)and <br /> quarterly monitoring report(QMR)for the period ending September 30, 2004 A sensitive receptor survey <br /> of the nearby water supply wells will be completed during the 3`d quarter of 2004 <br /> I <br /> Mau►iDTnvironmntarTPm arTexaoo\RepoM\063004QMR wpd 5 <br />