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6.0 LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE <br />' The work summarized in this report is for the sole use of Mr Jose Garcia Any reliance on this report or <br /> data contained therein by a third party is at such party's own sole risk Others who seek to rely on the <br /> findings have a duty to determine the adequacy of the report for their intended use,time, and location <br /> Stephen G Muir Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist makes no warranties or guarantees as to the <br /> accuracy or completeness of information provided or compiled by others and used by Mr Jose Garcia It is <br /> possible that information exists beyond the scope of this investigation As with all subsurface soil and <br /> groundwater sampling,there is no guarantee that the work conducted has identified any and all sources or <br /> locations of petroleum hydrocarbons or other hazardous substances or chemicals in the soul or groundwater <br /> This report is issued with the understanding that Mr Jose Garcia is responsible for ensuring the <br /> information contained in this report is brought to the attention of the appropnate regulatory agency, if any <br />' Also, changes in Site use may have occurred sometime in the past or during the course of the investigation <br /> due to variations in rainfall,temperature,water usage, economic,agricultural, or other factors Additional <br /> information that was not found or available to Stephen G Muir Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist at the <br />' tune of the preparation of this report may result in a modification of the conclusions presented This report <br /> is not a legal opinion <br />' Stephen G Muir Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist has strived to perform his services in a proper and <br /> professional manner with reasonable care and competence, but is not infallible Stephen G Muir <br /> Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist is unable to eliminate all risk or to provide insurance Therefore, <br />' Stephen G Muir Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist is unable to guarantee or warrant the results of the <br /> work Stephen G Mum's Consulting Geologist&Geophysicist professional services were performed <br /> consistent with generally-accepted environmental assessment principles and practices m California at the <br /> time the services were performed This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or <br /> implied <br /> The work conducted in flus investigation has been conducted by either myself or under my direct <br /> supervision <br /> Sincerely, <br /> EERIIyG <br /> S G Muir � STEPHEN G �o <br /> Certified Engineering Geologist#1224 MUIR <br /> Expiration Date 08/30/05 ca No EQ j <br /> 22 —+ - <br /> * Exp Dates <br /> OF CAS-�FO�� <br /> M—\D\FnvffOnn='Wl PWUWTenw\Repom\063004QMR.wo 7 <br />