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CPTINTRI version 3 . 02 <br /> 1 <br /> written by JAMES GREIG <br /> CPTINTRI is a highly interactive program to provide basic inter- <br /> pretation of CONE PENETRATION TEST (CPT) data. It was written at the <br /> University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada and is compatible <br /> with the data format of the Hogentogler & Co. Field Computer Systems. <br /> The interpretation methods used provide an estimate of the following <br /> soil parameters (appropriate references are given below) : <br /> 1) Soil Behaviour Type: - Robertson and Campanella 1983 <br /> 2) Equivalent Relative Density : <br /> i) Ticicno Sand - Bellotti et al . 1985 <br /> ii) Hokksund Sand - Bellotti et al . 1985 <br /> iii) Ottawa / Hilton Mines Sands - Schmertmann 1976 <br /> iv) All Sands (average) - Jamiolkowski et al . 1985 <br /> 3 ) Angle of Internal Friction <br /> X) Robertson and Campanella 1983 <br /> ii) Durgunoglu and Mitchell 1975 <br /> iii) Janbu and Senneset 1974 - Beta=+15,0, and -15 degrees <br /> 4) Equivalent SPT N value - Robertson et al . 1983 <br /> 5) Corrected SPT N1 value - N1=Cn*N (where Cn=SIG^(-.7) <br /> and SIG is in Kg/cm^2) <br /> 6) Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) to cause <br /> liquefaction (M=7. 5) - Seed et al. (1983) <br /> 7) Undrained Shear Strength (Su) - Su=(Qc-SIGV)/Nk where SIGV is <br /> the total overburden stress <br /> TABULATED DATA is based on values averaged over a <br /> a specified depth range and thus the influence of <br /> extreme values may be subdued. The ENGINEER should <br /> be using the tabulated output ONLY AS A GUIDE for <br /> the interpretation of the PLOTTED CPT DATA. It is <br /> important that the engineer fully understand the <br /> limitations of the CPT test. <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> IMPORTANT NOTE <br /> It is believed that the calculations performed by the routine are <br /> done correctly and reliably. However, no resonsibility is assumed <br /> by either the University of British Columbia or the author for any <br /> errors that may occur with the use of this program. It is also <br /> left up to the engineer to decide which, if any, of the correlation <br /> -echniques are applicable to the specific soil conditions. <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> . . . . . .references <br />