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At least one boring will be installed to verify the litho-logic interpretation presented by the CPT <br /> The boring will be drilled to first encountered groundwater. Because the boring will be <br /> continuously logged, analytical soil samples probably will not be collected. Depending on the <br /> _analytical results from the CPT assessment, the boring-may be completed as a vapor extraction <br /> well The CPT assessment also may indicate that additional borings are necessary. Borehole(s) <br /> not used for vapor wells will be grouted with cement/bentonite. Borings converted into vapor <br /> wells will be completed similar to the groundwater monitor wells described below. <br /> Wells: <br /> Based on the previous data, several monitor wells will be necessary to assess the "zero-line" of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater. The number and locations will be proposed after <br /> evaluating the CPT data. Each monitor well will be constructed of 2-inch PVC casing/screen <br /> within an 8-inch diameter borehole. Each well will be screened from approximately 5 feet <br /> above, to approximately 15 feet below, groundwater. The filter pack will be placed to <br /> approximately 2-feet above the top of the screen. Either bentonite chips or a fine sand will be <br /> used to protect the filter pack from grout infiltration. The remaining borehole will be grouted <br /> with a cement/bentonite grout The casing will be sealed with locking compression style caps, <br /> and the wells will be finished inside traffic rated vault boxes <br /> Task 3: Monitor Well Development <br /> Each monitor well will be developed by surging indigenous water in and out of the well screen. <br /> Surging will be performed during construction of the well by using a surge-block. After <br /> surging, a bailer will be used to remove sediment laden water from the monitor well Purge <br /> water will be stored in 55-gallon drums and left onsite pending review of disposal options. Any <br /> tools which will be used in more than one of the wells will be either steam cleaned or washed <br /> with an Alconox solution and rinsed with distilled water <br /> Task 4: Sampling and Analysis <br /> A minimum of 48-hours after redevelopment of the wells, each of the wells (new and existing) <br /> will be sampled Prior to sampling, the depth to groundwater and the thickness of the <br /> immiscible layer (if any) will be measured Wells which do not have a product layer will be <br /> purged of approximately three well volumes of water After purging, a clean disposable bailer <br /> will be used to collect the sample from the top of the groundwater Water from each well will <br /> be transferred into three HCl preserved 40-m1 VOA bottles supplied by the analytical laboratory. <br /> The bottles will be labeled, logged on a churn-of-custody, and immediately placed in an iced <br /> cooler <br /> The three (one per well) water samples will be analyzed for TPHg and BTEX by EPA Method <br /> 5030/8015M plus 8020 at Western Environmental Science and Technology (WEST) WEST is <br /> certified by the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for the <br /> requested analyses A copy of the analytical report will be sent directly to Ms. Linda Turkette <br /> (SJCEHD) by the laboratory <br /> 4 <br />