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i <br /> 312 Laboratory Sample Analysis <br /> The water samples were analyzed using U S Environmental Protection Agency(U S. EPA)Test <br /> I Method 8260B for benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene, xylene,TPH-gasoline, and 5 oxygenate <br /> compounds In addition,the lead scavenger compounds 1,2-Dichloroethane(1,2-DCA) and <br /> 1,2-Dibromoethane (1,2-DCB) were also analyzed. Copies of the analytical laboratory reports <br /> (Kiff#45572)and chain of custody documentation are attached to this report(Appendix 3) and <br /> the results are tabulated in the attached Tables 3 and 4. <br /> 3.3 Local Groundwater Gradient <br /> The groundwater surface depths from the six monitoring wells were plotted and contoured <br /> showing lines of equal groundwater elevation surface The attached Figure 5 shows the <br /> groundwater elevation contours that are present around these wells The estimated groundwater <br />' gradient from all of the welts is also depicted on the attached map <br /> The wells all suggest a gentle slope of the groundwater surface to the southwest and away from <br />' the Mokelumne River at a gradient of approximately 0.002 or approximately 10 feet per mile <br /> 1 <br /> I <br />