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Mr. Jeffrey Wong <br /> March 27, 2001 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Soil samples were collected into stainless steel sample sleeves with a push-driven soil <br /> sampler at 65, 70 and 74 feet bgs. The samples were sealed with Teflon° film and plastic <br /> end caps, labeled, and transported in an iced cooler with chain-of-custody documentation to <br /> Kiff Analytical, LLC (Kiff), a state of California certified hazardous waste testing laboratory <br /> (Certification 42236). Kiff analyzed all three soil samples for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons <br /> (TPH)-as-gasoline, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), methyl tertiary butyl <br /> ether(MTBE), di-isopropyl ether(DIPS), ethyl tertiary butyl ether(ETBE), tertiary amyl <br /> methyl ether (TAME), tertiary butanol (TBA), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and 1,2- <br /> dibromoethane (EDB) by EPA Method 8260B. <br /> All three soil samples contained relatively low concentrations of at least one compound <br /> analyzed. The sample collected at 65 feet contained 10 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of <br /> TPH-as-gasoline, 0.15 mg/kg of benzene, 0.14 mg/kg of toluene, 0.26 mg/kg of <br /> ethylbenzene, and 0.73 mg/kg of xylenes. The sample collected at 70 feet only contained <br /> 0.0071 mg/kg of toluene, and the sample collected from 74 feet only contained 0.02 mg/kg of <br /> toluene, 0.0068 mg/kg of ethylbenzene and 0.05 mg/kg of xylenes. The five oxygenate <br /> compounds, 1,2-DCA and EDB were not detected in any of the three soil sample analyses. <br /> The certified laboratory report is enclosed. <br /> Based on the CPT and pore pressure dissipation data, groundwater-bearing sand and gravel <br /> sequences were identified beneath the groundwater table at approximately 60 and 105 feet <br /> bgs. Gregg discretely sampled the groundwater interval at 60 feet bgs using a SimulProbe. <br /> The SimulProbe is deployed under back pressurization to prevent sample interference from <br /> overlying groundwater intervals. The sample was collected into laboratory supplied <br /> containers, which were labeled, packaged in an iced cooler, and transported with chain-of- <br /> custody documentation to Kiff for analysis. Kiff analyzed the groundwater sample for TPH- <br /> as-gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, DIPS, ETBE, TAME, TBA, 1,2-DCA and EDB by EPA Method <br /> 8260B. As directed by the PHSIEHD inspector, the groundwater interval at 105 feet was not <br /> sampled. <br /> The groundwater sample collected at 60 feet bgs contained 5,700 micrograms per liter (pg/l) <br /> of TPH-as-gasoline, 76 µg11 of benzene, 61 µg/1 of toluene, 53 pgll of ethylbenzene, 280 µg11 <br /> of xylenes, and I 1 µg/l of 1,2-DCA. The five oxygenate compounds and EDB were not <br /> detected in the groundwater sample. The certified laboratory report is enclosed. <br /> Following sampling, Gregg sealed the boreholes with cement grout, placed by the tremie <br /> method. <br />