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I' <br /> 4 0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> ' Based on the results of the investigation, Ramage Environmental concludes the following <br /> Between November 1, 2001 and January 31, 2002, the groundwater surface rose an average of <br /> 0 88 feet, and the groundwater flow direction and gradient remained relatively constant <br /> The plume of impacted groundwater at the water table appears to be defined and stable <br /> Concentrations of gasoline compounds in first groundwater beneath the site continue to decline, <br /> probably in response to source removal and natural attenuation <br /> ' Sandy soil intervals beneath the water table appear to be relatively continuous between the two <br /> CPT locations At both locations, groundwater within the first two sandy intervals below the water <br /> table appears to be impacted by gasoline compounds As such, the lateral extent of impacted <br /> ' groundwater in these two intervals remains undefined to the southeast (downgradient) of the site <br /> The wider aerial extent of impacted groundwater beneath the water table is probably due to the <br /> greater permeability of the deeper groundwater-bearing soils <br /> Vertically, the extent of impacted groundwater beneath the site is undefined Southeast of the <br /> site, the vertical extent of impacted groundwater is defined to a depth of less than 130 feet <br /> ' MTBE was not detected in any of the groundwater table or deeper groundwater samples collected <br /> during the investigation <br />' Based on these conclusions, Ramage Environmental recommends the following <br />' 1 Prepare a work plan, which outlines tasks to further Investigate the vertical and lateral extent <br /> of impacted groundwater beneath the water table, and to test the feasibility of soil and <br /> groundwater remedial options <br />' 2 On a quarterly basis, continue to monitor and sample groundwater from the monitoring well <br /> network The next monitoring event is scheduled for the end of April 2002 <br /> 13 <br />