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3 0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> The results of the groundwater sample analyses indicate that the lateral extent of <br /> impacted groundwater is undefined to the north (upgradient), west and south <br /> (downgradient) of the former UST excavation However, the lateral extent is defined to <br /> the northeast of the former USTs by MW-1 Vertically, the possible impact to deeper <br /> groundwater-bearing zones has not been investigated <br /> Ramage Environmental recommends the following course of environmental corrective <br /> action <br /> 1 By December 14, 1999, prepare and submit to PHSIEHD a work plan for additional <br /> corrective actions The work plan was directed by PHSIEHD, in their letter dated <br /> October 15, 1999 Tasks in the work plan should include a geophysical survey to f �' <br /> further delineate metal debris in the former UST excavation, installation of additional <br /> groundwater monitoring wells to further define the lateral extent of impacted <br /> igroundwater, continued quarterly monitoring and sampling of the monitoring well <br /> network, and a survey of water wells within a 2,000-foot radius of the site L <br /> 2 Once the work plan has been approved by PHSIEHD, request cost pre-approval for <br /> the approved scope of work from the UST Cleanup Fund <br /> 3 Once the cost has been pre-approved, schedule and implement the scope of work <br /> 7 <br />