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3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> The results of the groundwater sample analyses indicate that the lateral extent of <br /> impacted groundwater is undefined to the north (upgradient), west and south <br /> (downgradient) of the former UST excavation However, the lateral extent is defined to <br /> the northeast of the former USTs by MW-1 Vertically, the possible impact to deeper <br /> groundwater-bearing zones has not been investigated <br /> Ramage Environmental recommends the following course of environmental corrective <br /> action <br /> 1 To further delineate the nature and extent of metallic debns and/or buned drums <br /> within the former UST excavation, conduct a geophysical survey of the area The <br /> survey should include the use of a magnetic gradiometer (MAG), electromagnetic <br /> ` <br /> terrain conductivity meter (EM), and ground penetrating radar (GPR) The MAG a <br /> n <br /> EM should be operated over a five foot gnd The GPR should locally be used over <br /> anomalous EM or MAG areas to further define any localized subsurface variations <br /> 2 Define the lateral extent of impacted groundwater by expanding the groundwater <br /> monitoring well network This should include the installation, development, surveyin <br /> and sampling of at least three additional wells Possible locations for the new wells <br /> are the sidewalk or Charter Way center lane south (downgradient) of the site, the ` <br /> motel courtyard north (upgradeint) of the former UST excavation, and within the J <br /> Sierra Nevada Street right-of-way west of the site --J <br /> 3 Monitor and sample groundwater from all monitonng wells on a quarterly basis for at <br /> least four consecutive quarters The groundwater samples should be analyzed for <br /> TPH-as-gasoline, BTEX and oxygenates by EPA Method 82608 <br /> 4 Conduct a survey of water wells within a 2,000-foot radius of the site The survey 1 <br /> should include a review of well completion reports at the Department of Water <br /> Resources offices in Sacramento, a review of city and county records, and a <br /> reconnaissance walk of the site vicinity to verify well locations and operating status) <br />' 5 Evaluate the risk posed by residual petroleum hydrocarbons on human health and <br /> the environment The risk assessment should be based on analytical data collected <br /> to date, the results of four quarters of groundwater monitoring and sampling, and the <br />' findings of the water well survey <br /> 6 Based on the findings of the risk assessment, request regulatory closure or proceed <br /> with the evaluation of possible remedial alternatives <br /> 7 <br />