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22 Soil Borings and Groundwater Monitoring Wells <br /> On January 5 and 6, 1999, V&W Drilling (C-57 #720904) drilled five soil borings at the site, three <br /> of which were converted to groundwater monitoring wells The locations of the soil borings and <br /> monitoring wells are shown on Figure 2 <br /> 2 2 1 Soil Borings, Soil Sampling and Analysis <br /> All five of the soil g <br /> borings were drilled with a truck-mounted ri equipped with 8-inch outside- <br /> diameter hollow-stern augers The first three soil borings were drilled to a total depth of 5 feet <br /> bgs and converted to groundwater monitoring wells The fourth soil boring (designateas <br /> continuously cored and drilled to a total depth of 55 feet bgs The fifth soil boring (designated B- <br /> 3) was drilled to a total depth of 50 feet bgs and was not continuously cored <br /> During the drilling of the continuously cored soil boring (B-2), soil samples were collected at least <br /> every five feet and at observable changes in soil type The soil samples were collected directly <br /> from the core using a rubber mallet and 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sleeves In the other <br /> four soil borings, soil samples were collected at five-foot intervals using a modified California split- <br /> spoon sampler lined with 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sleeves In the field, a geologist <br /> logged each of the soil samples for geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics and screened <br /> each sample for organic vapors using an organic vapor monitor, equipped with a photoionization <br /> detector(PID) The soil boring logs including PID measurements are included in Appendix C <br /> Based on field observations and PID measurements, three soil samples from each of the five soil <br /> borings were transported in an iced cooler under chain-of-custody documentation to Kiff <br /> Analytical, LLC (Kiff), a state of California certified hazardous waste testing laboratory (DOHS <br /> Certification #2236) Kiff analyzed each of the fifteen soil samples for TPH-as-gasoline, BTEX, <br /> Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), Di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), Ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), <br /> Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) and Tertiary butanol (TBA) by EPA Method 82608 The soil <br /> sample with the highest PID measurement from each of the five soil borings was also analyzed for <br /> total lead by EPA Method 6010 <br /> 22 2 Monitorin Well Construction Develo meat and Elevation Surve <br /> As indicated, the first three soil borings were drilled to a total depth of 50 feet bgs and converted <br /> to groundwater monitoring wells Each of the wells was constructed with 20 feet of two-inch <br /> diameter, Schedule 40, flush-threaded and machine-slatted (0 020-inch) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) <br /> 7 <br />