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Site Investigation Work Plan <br /> Raymond Investment Corporation <br /> ' Former Helena Chemical Facility <br /> Page 5 <br /> Monitoring well borings for MW-1 through MW-3 will be drilled to depths of approximately twenty-five <br /> ' feet bgs. It is anticipated that groundwater will be first encountered at approximately ten feet bgs. The <br /> groundwater monitoring wells will include a screened interval between five and twenty-five feet. The <br /> monitoring wells will be constructed with 20 feet of 2-inch O.D., Schedule 40, flush-threaded, machine- <br /> slotted PVC screen (0.010-inch slot size). The screen will extend from a depth of approximately fifteen <br /> feet below the water table to five feet above the water table. A flush-threaded PVC bottom cap will be <br /> placed at the bottom of the screen section in the well. Blank PVC casing will be installed above the <br /> ' screens to the ground surface. A filter pack of#2/12 Monterey sand will be placed in the annular space to <br /> approximately two feet above the screens while the augers are in place. The depth of the sand in the <br /> annulus of the well will be monitored with a weighted tape measure while the sand is being placed and <br /> ' the augers are being gradually retracted to avoid bridging. To form a protective seal, approximately two <br /> feet of bentonite chips will be installed above the sand in the well. The bentonite chips will be installed as <br /> the augers are retracted.The bentonite will be hydrated using potable water. A surface seal of neat cement <br /> will be poured from the surface into the annulus of the well and will extend from the bentonite to the <br /> t ground surface. The monitoring wells will be completed with locking caps and traffic boxes installed <br /> flush with the ground surface. Details of the well construction will be noted on the geologic log, including <br /> the depth intervals of the screen, sand pack, and seals. A generalized shallow monitoring well <br /> ' construction diagram is included as Figure 4, Appendix A. <br /> Table 1.Monitoring Well Construction and Sample Interval Details <br /> ' Well ID MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 <br /> Location Near former East from Southeast from <br /> ASTs MW-1 MW-1 <br /> Sample Interval 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet <br /> Neat Cement Interval 0-1 feet 0-1 feet 0-1 feet <br /> Bentonite Interval, Pellets or Chis 1-3 feet 1-3 feet 1-3 feet <br /> ' Sand Interval, 2/12 Washed Monterey 3-25 feet 3-25 feet 3-25 feet <br /> Screen Interval, 0.010" Slotted PVC 5-25 feet 5-25 feet 5-25 feet <br /> Total Depth i 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet <br /> 7.2 MONITORING WELL SURVEYING,DEVELOPMENT,AND SAMPLING <br /> ' Following installation of the monitoring wells, the wells will be surveyed to determine the location and <br /> elevation of the well collar in order to comply with AB2886 (Water Code sections 13195 — 13198). The <br /> well collars will be surveyed with a vertical accuracy of 0.01 foot to a NAVD 88 or NGVD 29 datum, and <br /> with a horizontal accuracy of 0.03 foot to a NAD 83 datum. The measuring point for water-level <br /> ' measurements will be marked on the well collar. Well survey data will be submitted in the required <br /> electronic deliverable format to GeoTracker. <br /> ' 7.3 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT AND SAMPLING <br /> At least 48 hours following construction, the monitoring wells will be developed by surging and bailing <br /> the groundwater in the well until the discharge water is relatively free of sediment (clear to the unaided <br /> eye). The monitoring well will be purged until the temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH of the <br /> water have stabilized. All well-development equipment will be cleaned prior to use by washing in a <br /> solution of laboratory-grade, non-phosphate detergent and deionized water, and by double rinsing with <br /> ' deionized water. The purge water discharged from the well during development will be containerized in <br /> 55-gallon drums, sealed, labeled, and left on Site to await disposal pending results of laboratory analyses. <br /> 1 <br /> ' i� CONDOR <br />