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1 <br />' Workplan for Completion of an Aquifer Test <br /> . 16 South Cherokee Lane, Lode, California <br /> Protection Agency, October 1985) Prior to initiation of work at the site, all <br /> personnel involved will be briefed with the contents of the SHSP <br />' 4) All water generated from aquifer test activities will be stored temporarily in a 4,500 <br /> gallon above-ground tank Once the aquifer test has been completed, samples of the <br />' water will be analyzed for waste profiling Once the water has been classified, the <br /> water will then be transported under manifest to an appropaate receiving facility <br />' 5) Prior to conducting any of the aquifer tests, the extraction and observation wells will <br /> be surged to determine the development status of each well Any fine-grained <br /> sediment generated during the surging process will be removed by balling or pumping <br /> the wells <br /> 6) Prior to conducting the constant-rate aquifer and slug tests, the static water level in <br /> each well will be measured and recorded <br /> 7) A datalogger equipped with pressure transducers will be utilized to measure <br /> drawdown an the proposed extraction and observation wells during the constant-rate <br /> aquifer and slug tests The depths at which the pressure transducer in each well will <br /> be recorded <br /> • 8) All downhole equipment used during the aquifer test will be decontaminated using <br /> a non-phosphate solution wash, a potable water rinse, and a final deaonized water <br /> rinse <br /> 9) For the constant-rate aquifer test, pumping of the extraction well will be conducted <br /> for a minimum of 24 hours The pumping time may need to be extended until water <br /> Ievels approach equilibrium or are maintained for a significant time period <br /> 10) To insure a constant pumping rate, a submersible pump will be used to extract water <br /> The flow rate maintained by the submersible pump will be measured at minimum of <br /> one-hour intervals <br /> 11) The procedures, findings and conclusions of the aquifer test will be presented an <br /> I report to submitted to the CVRWQCB and PHS/EHD The report will include <br /> annotated field data, calculations, documentation of any computer analysis programs <br /> used, and all assumptions and interpretations used an the analysis of the data <br /> 1 <br /> Geological Audit Services, Inc. <br /> CMSJGewcke"1 4 <br />