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20 July 2005 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 95-0109 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> 3.1. GROUND WATER GRADIENT AND DIRECTION <br /> On 01 June 2005, the depth to ground water ranged from 56.06 feet to 58.96 feet below the tops of <br /> the well casings. Ground water elevations at the site ranged from 2.37 feet below mean sea level <br /> (MSL) in well MW-5 to 5.83 feet below MSL in well MW-22. Ground water levels were within the <br /> screened intervals of water table wells MW-1 through MW-14 and MW-16, wells MW-20 through <br /> MW-22, but ranged from approximately 17 to 54 feet above the screened intervals of the deep- <br /> screened wells MW-15 and MW-17 through MW-19. <br /> Data from wells MW-1 through MW-5 were not used to infer ground water flow direction or <br /> gradient because these wells are screened at different intervals than the remaining wells. <br /> The ground water for the well network was inferred to be flowing towards the south on-site and off- <br /> site at an average gradient of approximately 0.001 ft/ft. Figure 3 illustrates the contoured ground <br /> water elevations; historical ground water flow directions are summarized in Table 6. <br /> 3.2. ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> • TPH-g was detected in ground water samples from wells MW-8, MW-9 and MW-14 at <br /> concentrations of4,000 micrograms per liter(µg/1),6,100µg11,and 1,400µg/1,respectively.Benzene <br /> was detected in the samples collected from wells MW-9 and MW-14 at concentrations of 2.9 µg11, <br /> and 32 pg/l, respectively. Toluene was detected in the sample from well MW-14 at a concentration <br /> of 26 µg11. Ethylbenzene and xylene were detected in the samples collected from wells MW-8, <br /> MW-9 and MW-14 at concentrations as high as 20 µg11 (MW-8) and 270 µg/1 (MW-14), <br /> respectively. <br /> The fuel additive 1,2-DCA was detected in samples collected from wells MW-9 (off-site) and <br /> MW-14 at concentrations of 19 µg11 (MW-9) and 9.3 µg/1 (MW-14) . <br /> No additional analytes were detected above laboratory limits in the ground water samples collected. <br /> The analytical results from the June 2005 monitoring event are presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4. <br /> Analytical results to date are summarized in Table 5. The approximate extent of dissolved TPH-g, <br /> benzene and 1,2-DCA are depicted on Figures 4, 5 and 6. The laboratory report (CTEL Project <br /> Number CT214-0506038) and chain of custody forms are included in Appendix B. Confirmation <br /> pages of the submitted laboratory electronic digital format (EDF) files and depth to water <br /> measurements are included in Appendix C. <br /> Advanced CeoEnvironmental,Inc. <br />