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' 19 February 2002 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br />' Page 4of6 <br /> Hydrologic Unit 3`(HU3)extends from 99 to 140 feet bsg on-site and vanes from 96 to 140 feet bsg <br />' off-site (CPT-3), the bottom of the unit is not well defined The soil consists predominantly of fine <br /> grained soil with laterally discontinuous sand intervals, pore pressures vary from moderate to high, <br /> but exhibit limited lateral continuity of specific high or low pressure intervals, pore pressures W <br />' become more variable at CPT-3, varying from low to high <br /> W 3 3 LABORATORY RESULTS OF "GRAB" GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> A total of nine grab ground water samples were collected from CPT-1, CPT-2 and CPT-3 and <br /> submitted for laboratory analysis for the above mentioned constituents Ground water samples were <br /> collected from CPT-1 and CPT-2 at 72 feet to 76 feet bsg (HU2), 92 feet to 96 feet bsg(HU2) and <br />' 110 feet to 114 feet bsg (HU3), from CPT-1 at 130 feet to 134 feet bsg(HU3), and from CPT-3 at <br /> 76 feet to 80 feet bsg (HU2) and 110 feet to 114 feet bsg (HU3) <br />' TPH-g was detected in water samples collected from HU2 and HU3 at concentrations as high as 500 <br /> micrograms per liter (µg/1) One or more BTEX compounds were detected in the water samples <br /> I • collected from CPT-2 at concentrations as high as 2 7 µg/1 benzene, 57 µg/1 toluene, 22 µg/1 <br /> ethylbenzene and 152µg/1 total xylenes (CPT2-72-76) Toluene was detected in the two CPT-3 <br /> samples at concentrations of 21 µg/1 and 4 4 µg11 N-Propyl- benzene was detected in the water <br /> samples collected from CPT-2 at 72 feet to 76 feet bsg (HU2) and 92 feet to 96 feet bsg(1-1U2) and <br /> isopropylbenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene and p-Isopropyltoluene were detected in the water sample <br /> collected from CPT-2 at 72 feet to 76 feet bsg (HU2) at concentrations as high as 5 9 µg/1 <br /> IOther volatile organic or fuel oxygenating compounds were not detected at or above laboratory <br /> reporting limits in the ground water samples analyzed The laboratory report (CTEL Lab I D <br /> I 0112-088-1 through 0112-088-7 and 0112-095-1 and 0112-095-2) QA/QC report and chain-of- <br /> custody form are included in Appendix B Analytical results of the CPT grab ground water samples <br /> are summarized in Table 1 <br /> 4.0. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ' <br /> IBased on the findings from this investigation, AGE concludes <br /> I Generally,silty sand,sand to gravelly sand were encountered at depths between 5 and 20 feet <br /> bsg, 30 and 40 feet bsg, 45 and 55 feet bsg, 65 and 100 feet bsg, 120 and 125 feet bsg and <br /> 135 and 142 feet bsg Fine grained, sandy silt, clayey silt and silt were observed at all other <br /> depths Geologic cross section A-A' was generated from CPT data collected and depict <br /> • general ltthology beneath the site in cross sectional view (Figure 3) <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmentai,Inc <br /> 1 1 3 w <br /> 1 <br />