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15 December 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0109 <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br /> 42 WELL COMPLETION <br /> Three soil borings will be advanced for the installation of ozone injection points Following <br /> advancement of the soil boring,one manufacturer-assembled 2-inch by 30-inch macroporous sparge <br /> point and casing will be installed in each boring, the sparge points will be installed at depths of <br /> approximately 70 feet bsg A %-inch PVC riser will connect the sparge points to a surface ozone <br /> generator A proposed ozone sparge well construction diagram is depicted in Figure 5 <br /> After installing the well casing in each boring,a filter pack material will be slowly emplaced through <br /> the augers over the screen interval to approximately two feet above the screened intervals for the <br /> monitoring well The filter pack material in the ground water monitoring wells will consist of pre- <br /> washed#3 Lonestar sand Following placement of the filter pack:, the screened interval from each <br /> well will be surged for approximately 20 minutes utilizing a surge block to assist In settling the filter <br /> pack Additional filter pack material will be added if settling occurs <br /> A nominal 2-foot bentonite seal (bentonite chips) will be placed above the filter pack to minimize <br /> the potential for grout penetration into the screened section of the well The bentonite seal will be <br /> formed by pouring bentonite chips Into the annulus and allowing the pellets to settle on the filter <br /> ipack The bentonite pellets will be allowed to hydrate with tap water for a minimum of one-half hour <br /> prior to grouting <br /> The filter pack material in the sparge points will consist of a#2116 sand After Installing the lower <br /> sparge point casing in boring,the filter pack material will be slowly emplaced through the augers or <br /> tremae pipe over the screen Interval to the top of the sparge point A bentonite seal will be formed <br /> by pouring bentonite pellets Into the annulus,to a depth of 25 feet bsg The upper sparge point casing <br /> will be placed Into the boring, and a second filter pack material will be slowly emplaced to the top <br /> of the upper sparge point An upper bentonite seal will be formed by pouring bentonite chips Into <br /> the annulus and allowed to hydrate with tap water for a minimum of one-half hour prior to grouting <br /> The remaining annular space will be filled to the ground surface with a cement grout The grout <br /> mixture will consist of Type I/II portland neat cement and not more than 6 gallons of water per <br /> 94-pound sack of cement The grout will be placed by pumping through tremmie pipe A grouting <br /> inspection will be scheduled with EHD personnel <br /> 43 IN-SITU OZONE SPARGING PILOT STUDY <br /> The typical ozone system Is an in-situ air stripping process utilizing fine bubbles of ozone-rich air, <br /> injected into saturated soil to extract and decompose dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon constituents <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />