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05 February 2015 <br /> AGE Project No. 14-3298 <br /> Page 3of5 <br /> tubing (PRT) was then attached to a tubing adapter (PRT adapter) equipped with a new <br /> disposable O-ring to ensure a vacuum-tight seal. The adapter assembly was lowered <br /> through the center of the hollow drive rods to the specified depth and secured by <br /> threading into the expendable vapor point holder (PRT Point Holder). <br /> Soil-vapor samples were collected from borings V-1 through V-4, and V-6 at ten feet <br /> bsg by installing a temporary soil-vapor well in the borings. Following collection of soil- <br /> vapor samples at five feet bsg, borings V-1 through V-4, and V-6 were advanced to ten <br /> feet bsg for installation of a soil-vapor well. For installation of the soil-vapor well, a <br /> temporary vapor implant and thirteen feet of '/4-inch Teflon tubing were lowered to the <br /> base of the previously advanced borehole; three feet of tubing was left outside the <br /> borehole for vapor sample collection. Once the tubing and vapor implant were in place, <br /> a filter pack of #3 sand was placed from the bottom of the borehole to 9.5 feet bsg. <br /> Following placement of the filter pack, dry bentonite crumbles were placed atop the filter <br /> pack. to eight feet bsg. Thereafter, bentonite was placed and hydrated from eight feet <br /> bsg to surface grade to seal the vapor well from ambient air intrusion. <br /> For collection of each soil-vapor sample, hydrated bentonite was placed around the <br /> drive rod or tubing at ground surface to prevent ambient air intrusion. Approximately 30 <br /> minutes equilibrium time was allowed at each location prior to purging and sample <br /> collection. Additionally, each soil-vapor boring location was isolated from ambient air by <br /> enclosing the borehole, tubing and Tedlar bag in a plastic shroud. Isopropyl alcohol <br /> (IPA) as a liquid was placed in a stainless steel bowl within the plastic shroud and <br /> allowed to volatilize into the air enclosed within the plastic shroud surrounding the <br /> borehole, tubing and Tedlar bag. <br /> Soil-vapor samples collected at five fee bsg were purged for approximately 1.75 to 2.25 <br /> minutes (three-four well volumes) prior to obtaining a sample in a 1-liter Tedlar bag; soil- <br /> vapor samples collected at ten feet bsg were purged for approximately 2.10 to 2.80 <br /> minutes (three-four well volumes) prior to obtaining a sample in a 1-liter Tedlar bag. <br /> Once the purging was complete a sample was collected using a peristaltic pump <br /> calibrated to 200 milliliters per minute. After sample collection, each Tedlar bag was <br /> labeled and stored in a dry container. <br /> SAMPLE ANALYSIS <br /> Soil-vapor samples were transported under chain-of-custody to Cal Tech Environmental <br /> Laboratories (CTEL), a California Department of Public Health (CDPH)-Certified <br /> laboratory and were analyzed for the following chemical constituents: <br /> • Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) in accordance with <br /> EPA-method 8015-modified. <br /> Advanced GeoEnviron mental,Inc. <br />