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any, will be properly containerized for subsequent disposal. Waste disposal fees, if any, will be <br /> considered a separate cost from the lump sum cost per site. <br /> All soils shall be field screened using an organic vapor analyzer(OVA). The soil sample with the highest <br /> OVA reading from each boring shall be selected for laboratory analysis. If the OVA readings are <br /> inconclusive or other indications of contamination(i.e., visual or olfactory) are observed,then the sample <br /> exhibiting the highest indication of contamination shall be selected. If the OVA readings are not <br /> conclusive and there are no other indications of contamination,then the sample from the terminal depth of <br /> the boring or at the soil/water interface, if encountered, shall be selected. <br /> For each REC, the Consultant shall determine the chemicals of concern and corresponding analytical <br /> method(s) to be utilized based on local, State or Federal regulations and guidelines in order to determine <br /> whether the contamination, if any, exceeds applicable cleanup or action levels. The analytical methods <br /> shall be limited to conducting those analyses required to determine if impact has occurred. The <br /> Consultant may have the laboratory hold samples and recommend to Goodyear possible additional <br /> an in the event that the field or laboratory data confirm areas of impact. Authorization by Goodyear <br /> is required prior to completing any additional analyses. <br /> All sampling equipment must be washed with a non-phosphatic soap and tap water with a final rinse with <br /> distilled water before the initial and between each subsequent sampling event. <br /> Instrument calibration shall be completed following the manufacturer's instructions at the beginning of <br /> each day and at any indication of instrument drift. <br /> Samples shall be placed in laboratory grade, certified clean containers and shall be preserved on ice to <br /> 4°C. Samples shall be transferred using standard chain-of-custody procedures. The Consultant shall be <br /> responsible for proper sample collection and proper packing of samples for shipping to the laboratory in <br /> order to ensure sample integrity and to meet standard hold times. <br /> The findings of the Phase II shall be evaluated under applicable local, State or Federal regulations and <br /> guidelines in order to determine if cleanup or action levels have been exceeded. <br /> The report shall be titled"Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Limited Subsurface Investigation". <br /> The body of the report shall include, at a minimum: <br /> • the scope of work and methodologies utilized for the project; <br /> • the findings of each element of the Phase I portion of the scope including a listing of the RECs <br /> identified for the site; <br /> • the findings of each element of the Phase H portion of the scope; <br /> • a comparison of the laboratory analytical results to applicable regulatory guidelines; <br /> • a summary of the findings and conclusions for the project; and, <br /> • a summary of any limitations to the project. <br />