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August 2001 Quarterly Ground Water Monitoring <br /> 1645 Cherokee Lane,Stockton,CA <br />' Hydro-Environmental Technologies, Inc <br />' 2.3 Ground Water Sample Analyses <br /> HETI was only able to collect a sample from MW-I since MW-2 and MW-3 were dry The sample from <br />' MW-1 was transported in an ice chest with bagged ice using proper chain-of-custody procedures to <br /> ChromaLab, a California DHS accredited laboratory The sample was analyzed for TPH as diesel and <br /> TPH as gasoline by USEPA Method 8015M, BTEX compounds were analyzed by USEPA Method 8020 <br />' TPH as diesel was detected at less than 240 ppb in MW-I However, a laboratory mishap caused the one <br /> liter water sample to be spiked during QA/QC The laboratory subsequently attempted to determine <br /> diesel concentrations from the 40 mil VOA vials Therefore, a precise diesel analysis could not be <br /> ' determined No detectable concentrations of TPH as gasoline or BTEX were found in the ground water <br /> sample submitted for analysis Certified laboratory data sheets and chain of custody forms are included in <br /> Appendix B <br /> 2.4 Subsequent Ground Water Measurements and Sampling <br /> 1 On August 30, 2001, HETI returned to the site to measure and sample the subject site's ground water <br /> from the monitoring wells HETI was only able to obtain a depth to ground water reading from MW-1 <br /> The three remaining ground water monitoring wells were dry HETI attempted to collect a sample from <br /> MW-1 since the laboratory's detection limits were raised because of quality control problems, however, <br /> there was not sufficient water in the well to collect a sample <br /> 1 <br /> • 5 <br />