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s HYDRA • <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> TECHWOLOGIES,INC. <br /> • Mr P E Copple <br /> April 7, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> In their November 4, 1999 letter, the San Joaquin County PHS/EHD requested a further investigation to <br /> determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum contamination at the subject property HETI <br /> installed six DP borings throughout the subject property Grab ground water samples were obtained from <br /> each boring No detectable concentrations of TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, benzene, toluene, <br /> ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), or the five fuel oxygenates were found in the 46 soil samples and <br /> six grab ground water samples submitted for analysis HETI then installed three ground water monitoring <br /> wells to sample ground water and to determine ground water flow direction and gradient TPH as diesel <br /> was detected in all three ground water monitoring wells No detectable concentrations of TPH as <br /> gasoline, BTEX, the five fuel oxygenates, 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), or 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) <br /> were found in the ground water samples submitted for ;analysis <br /> In September 2000, HETI began quarterly ground water monitoring at the subject site During the first <br /> quarter of ground water monitoring, TPH as diesel was detected in MW-I and MW-3 No detectable <br /> concentration of TPH as diesel was found in MW-2 No detectable concentrations of TPH as gasoline, <br /> BTEX, the five fuel oxygenates, 1,2-DCA, or EDB were found in the ground water samples submitted for <br /> analysis During the August 2001 sampling round, MW-2 and MW-3 were dry and no samples were <br /> collected A sample was collected from MW-1, however, the laboratory's quality control failed to <br /> produce results within acceptable detection ranges All of the ground water monitoring wells were dry <br /> (MW-1 to MW-4) during the November 2001 sampling round <br /> PROPOSED PRASE II CONTAMINANT DELINEATION INVES'T'IGATION <br /> Protect Objectives <br /> Based on current information that you provided to us, HETI proposes to conduct an additional Phase II <br /> investigation to determine the extent of the petroleum contamination as required by the San Joaquin <br /> County PHS/EHD <br /> Task 1; Subsurface Soil and Ground Water Investigation <br /> HETI personnel will conduct an on site subsurface soil and grab ground water exploration near the former <br /> UST excavations Prior to any subsurface investigations, HETI will prepare a work plan and a health and <br /> safety (H&S) plan and obtain the required PHSIEHD permits The H&S plan will be prepared in <br /> accordance with U S Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 29CFRI910 120 and California GISO <br /> 5192 All on-site HETI and subcontractor personnel will be required to adhere to the H&S plan and to <br /> have had 29 CFR1910 120 training and its annual update The HETI project manager will have had the <br /> 29CFRI910 120 and California GISO 5192 eight-hour supervisors' course Copies of the work plan and <br /> H&S plan will be submitted to the San Joaquin County PHS/EHD for approval <br /> Soil boring locations will be marked prior to drilling Underground Service Alert (USA) will be notified <br /> at least 48 hours prior to any subsurface investigation The subsurface investigation will be under the <br /> supervision of a California Registered Geologist (RG) <br /> • Soil samples will be obtained from six DP borings using a Stratprobe DP drilling rig Soil samples will <br /> be collected at 5 0-foot intervals beginning at 10 feet bsg (the approximate bottom of the UST excavation) <br /> a <br />