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u, 11 Stu IB:u5 V%A 1116 3 7111 111'NIL•'R.I.kEWf IcluEai <br /> �� Cti,�cjeXi\534U(!1\WthBah <br /> system. Syrgrtams of exposure can inclutlo head aches, nausea, drowsincs; diriinrss and <br /> loss or CWTUH l—.. ir^lnn_ <br /> ed exposure can result in uncousciousuc s and coma. <br /> Although not toxic by sly adsorption, these materials- are adsorbed througu the skin and <br /> nmy watribute to outer routes of cxposure. They all defin they skin. There is some <br /> evidence that prolonged and repeated exposure may result in a condition known as"solvent <br /> syndrome"characterized by reversilsle central nervous system dawage. There is also some <br /> evidence to indicate that lolnetw may sensitize the heart,predisposing exposure victims to <br /> cardiac arrhythmias. Gasoline containing Benzene,"toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylenes <br /> maybe potentially earciaogeaic. Benzene is a knout human carcinogen and has been <br /> shown to causa leukemia,blood disorders,and chromosL:ne.damage in humans and adverse <br /> birth defects in laboratory animals. <br /> 43 ffihlalatioa Hazard <br /> t <br /> The fugitive vapor concentrations that might be encountered during the remediatiota may <br /> exceed curren;Iy recommended exposure limits. Fugitive vapor will be monitored <br /> periodically and respiratory grotectiun will6-- used if 50 percent. of the maximum <br /> recommended exposure limits are exceeded. <br /> 4.4 Dermal Fxposure Hazard <br /> Dermg esxposme routes from toxic constituents could include airborne or direct contact of <br /> exposed areas(e.g.forearms,!lands,face,and neck)during normal work ac&ides. Contact <br /> c of signlficaut adsorption of toxic corulwitents is highly unlc ely_ <br /> 4.5 Explosion Hazard <br /> Elevated vapor concentrations tuay be present which could he sources for explosion. <br /> Caution must be taaken to prevent sources of ignition such as cigarettes, open flames and <br /> rto-explosion proof el c.-trical motors from upere ing within the restricted zone (see Section <br /> 5.3�. <br /> 4.6 Physical Bazar eis <br /> `. rho primary physical harards associated with this project are those involving close proximity <br /> to an operating hollow-stern auger drilling rig. Louse clothing and jewelwill not be worn <br /> urtd loft hair should be tied bAclt wl7trp around rotating tnai;hincry. 7lard !tats will bu <br /> rr�u[re within the exclusion zona while overhead huumb exist. Stecl-toots boots should <br /> be worn by all persountli near maclEiudry. lleatittg, prote,cdonthould IM wol-a wbonevur <br /> a nolle levels exceed 8"tlacibuls or If it is rts+e:usatery to signIficantly rabic your voices to hold <br /> u crsttvcrstelltsn. <br /> h <br />