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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, INC. <br /> CONCORD, CALIFORNIA OFFICE <br /> STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE NO.3 <br /> FOR GROUND-WATER MOPUTORIING AND SAMPLING FROM MONII17ORING WELLS <br /> Environmental Science& Engineering, lnQ (ESE) typically performs ground-water monitoring at project sites <br /> on a quarterly basis As part of the monitoring program an ESE staff member will first gauge the depth to water <br /> and free product (if present) in each well, then collect ground-water samples from each well. Depth to water <br /> measurements are taken by lowering an electric fiberglass tape measure into the well and recording the <br /> occurrence of water in feet below a fixed datum set on the top of the well-casing. If fire-phase liquid <br /> hydrocarbons(fire product)are known or suspected to be present in the well,then an electric oil/water interface <br /> probe is used to determine the depth to the occurrence of ground-water and the free product in feet below the <br /> fixed datum on the top of the well-casing. Depth to water and depth to product measurements are measured <br /> and recorded within an accuracy of 0.005-foot. The electric tape and the electric oil/water interface probe are <br /> washed with an Alconoxo detergent and tap water solution then rinsed with tap water between uses in different <br /> wells.- <br /> Ground water samples are collected from a well subsequent to purging a minimum of three to four well-casing <br /> volumes of ground water from the well, if the well bails dry prior to the removal of the required minimum <br /> volume, then the samples are collected upon the recovery of the ground water in that well to 80% of its mitial <br /> static level. Ground water is typically purged from monitoring wells using either a hand-operated positive <br /> displacement pump,constructed of polyvinylchloride(PVC ;a new(precleaned),disposable polyethylene bailer, <br /> or, a variable-flow submersible pump, constructed of stainless steel and Teflon. The hand pumps and the <br /> submersible pumps are cleaned between each use with an Aleonox0 detergent and tap water solvation followed <br /> by a tap water rinse. During the well purging process the conductivity,ply and temperature of the ground water <br /> are monitored by the ESE staff member. Ground-water samples are collected from the well subsequent to the <br /> stabilization of the of the conductivity, pH and temperature of the purge water, and the removal of four well- <br /> casing volumes of ground-water(unless the well bails dry). The parameters are deemed to have stabilized when <br /> two consecutive measurements are within 10%of each other,for each respective parameter. The temperature, <br /> pK conductivity and purge volume measurements,and observations of water clarity and sediment content will <br /> be documented by the ESE staff member on ESE Ground-Water Sampling Data Forms. <br /> Ground-water samples are collected by lowering a new(precleaned),disposable polyethylene bailer into the well <br /> using new, disposable nylon cord The filled bailer is retrieved, emptied, then filled again. The ground water <br /> from this bailer is decanted into appropriate laboratory supplied glassware and/or plastic containers (if sample <br /> preservatives are required,they are added to the empty containers at the laboratory prior to the sampling event). <br /> The containers are filled carefully so that no headspace is present to avoid volatilization of the sample. The filled <br /> sample containers are then labeled and placed in a cooler with ice for transport under chain of custody <br /> documentation to the designated analytical laboratory. The ESE staff member will document the time and <br /> method of sample collection,and the type of sample containers and preservatives(if any)used. These facts will <br /> appear on the ESE Ground-Water Sampling Data Forms. ESE will collect a duplicate ground-water sample <br /> from one well for every tan wells sampled at each site. The duplicate will be a blind sample Cts well designation <br /> will be unknown to the laboratory). The duplicate sample is for Quality Assurance and Quality Control <br /> (QA/QC) purposes, and provides a check on ESE sampling procedures and laboratory sample handling <br /> procedures. When VOCs are included in the laboratory analyses, ESE will include a trip blank, if required, in <br /> the cooler with the ground-water samples for analysis for the identical VOCs. The trip blank is supplied by the <br /> laboratory and consists of deionized water. The trip blank is for QA/QC purposes and provides a check on both <br /> ESE and laboratory sample handling and storage procedures Since disposable bailers are used for sample <br /> collection, and are not reused, no equipment blank (rinsate) samples are collected. <br />