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10 March 2000 ; <br /> AGE-NC Project No 97-0312 v <br /> iPage 5 of 6 W <br /> i32 ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> TPH-d was detected in the water samples collected from UST-4 at a concentration of 59 parts per <br />' billion(ppb, reported as micrograms per liter) TPH-g, TPH-d, benzene, and toluene were detested <br /> In the water sample collected from monitoring well UST-5 at concentrations of 570 ppb, 140 ppb, <br /> 56 ppb, and 2 2 ppb, respectively Toluene and xylenesr were detected in UST-2 at concentrations <br />' of 0 66 ppb and 10 ppb,respectively Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in wells UST-3 or <br /> UST-6 <br />' Oxygenates were not detected in the water samples collected from wells UST-2 through UST-6 1,2- <br /> Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and acetone were detected in the sample collected from UST-5 at <br /> concentrations of 510 ppb and 320 ppb, respectively Other volatile organic compounds were not <br />' detected in ground water samples from the site The laboratory report (MAI sample Nos 28282 - <br /> 28286) and chain-of-custody form are included in Appendix B Analytical results of water samples <br /> collected in December 1999 are summarized on Table 2 The analytical results of all water samples <br />' are summarized on Tables 3 and 4 <br /> 3 3 MASS CALCULATIONS <br /> The average hydrocarbon concentrations of the disposed soil were 293 parts per million (ppm) of , <br />' gasoline and 2,529 ppm of diesel Approximately 141 pounds, or 23 gallons of gasoline were <br /> removed and approximately 1,219 pounds, or 174 gallons of diesel were removed <br /> 34 RESULTS OF SESOIL MODELING <br /> 1 - I <br /> With all parameters entered, using the best available data, SESOIL predicted that no contaminants <br /> would impact ground water Appendix C includes the SESOIL Input data , <br /> 1 The AT 123D model predicts chemical concentrations in ground water at a down-gradient receptor <br /> well Since no hydrocarbons were predicted to reach ground water, this section of the modeling <br /> program was not used <br /> j <br /> 4.0. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS , <br /> I t <br /> Based upon data collected from the site, AGE concludes the following <br /> • Ground water elevation Increased approximately 1 34 feet at the former USTs location <br /> " Advanced Geo Eovironmental,Inc <br />