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x <br /> 30 August 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No ,97-0312 ` <br /> Page 4 of 8 ; <br /> 2 6 COLLECTION OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> The depth to water was re-measured following purging to,assure a minimum of 80% recharge prior, <br /> Ito sampling Water samples were then retrieved from each purged well using new disposable bailers <br /> Each sample was transferred into 40-m1 EPA-approved VOA vials containing 0 5 ml of 18% <br /> hydrochloric acid as a sample preservative and into 1-liter,amber bottles without preservative The <br /> Isamples were labeled, placed in a chilled container and transported to MAI, and were analyzed for <br /> r <br /> • TPH-g and TPH-d in accordance with EPA Methods 5030 and 8015m, <br /> • Volatile aromatic compounds (BTEX) and MTBE in accordance with EPA Method <br /> 602/8020,'and <br /> Volatile organic compounds with oxygenated compounds ( MTBE, DIPS, ETBE, TAME <br /> and TBA) in accordance with EPA Method 8260 modified <br /> r , <br /> 2 7 SURVEYING <br /> On 30 August 1999, the casing elevation of monitoring well UST-6 was surveyed to the nearest <br /> 0 01-foot relative to UST-2 (Table 4) One well located at 3400 Newton Road (Moore Truck Lines) <br /> was also surveyed relative to UST-2 for possible future use in determining ground water gradient <br /> T ` <br /> 30 FIND)ChGS - <br /> , <br /> H}drocarbon-impact to soil and ground water was inferred from laboratory analysis and field <br /> observations Ground water elevations were determined by subtracting the measured depths-to-water <br />' from the surveyed casing elevations (Table 4) Ground water flow direction`was determined by <br /> contouring the water elevations on a scaled site plan (Figure 4) <br /> 31 STRATIGRAPHY <br /> E-\cept as noted below, clayey silt and silty'clay were encountered from sun face grade to 80 feet bsg <br /> awhile silty sand was encountered from 80 feet bsg to the total depth explored (100 feet bsg) 'Sand <br /> layers were encountered at depths of 30 and 65 feet in boring B 14, at a depth of 20 feet in boring <br /> B15 ata depth of 66 feet in boring B16 and at a depth of 60 feet in bor;ng B17 Silt was encountered <br /> at a depth of 90 feet in boring B 14, and at a depth of 100 feet in borings B 15 and B 17 Boring logs <br /> are included in Appendix A <br /> ' z Atli nl,eed GeoEnwronment it Inc <br /> a <br />