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1 <br /> December 22, 1998 <br /> 41017 002 Harding Lawson Associates <br /> Mr Michael Kith <br /> PHS/EHD <br /> Page 8 <br /> concentrations of detectable TPHd and TPHmo in these samples ranged from 230 to 8,100 mg/kg and from <br /> 540 to 9,600 mg/kg, respectively No detectable concentrations of soluble TPHd or TPHmo were reported <br /> for any of these samples <br /> SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION <br />' On July 9, 1998, with approximately one half of the UST removed from the excavation and PHS/EHD staff <br /> onsite to direct UST-removal sampling operations, field observations of discolored soils with apparent <br /> hydrocarbons odors indicated that impacted soils were present in a narrow, discontinuous nm outside and <br /> adjacent to the UST sidewall Mr Kith (PHS/EHD) stated that pnor to performing any overexcavatton a work <br /> plan would be required to be approved by the PHS/EHD Site Mitigation Group Sampling performed July 9th <br /> at the direction of PHS/EHD, included one UST removal sample (T-3) from soils beneath the former bottom of <br />' the UST,three samples (T-1, T-2, and T-3) from impacted soils adjacent to the sidewall (which were later <br /> excavated), and four discrete stockpile samples (SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, and SP-4) (Plate 3) <br /> PHS/EHD indicated that the remaining UST-removal samples and confirmation sampling following <br /> overexcavatton could be performed on the same day Removal of the remainder of the UST, without <br /> overexcavation, was completed on July 13, 1998 On July 13, 1998, HLA submitted the requested workplan <br /> (HLA, 1998e) which was approved by the PHS/EHD Site Mitigation Group on the same afternoon <br /> v r xcavation of impacted soils was performed in two phases, each followed by confirmation sampling <br /> O ee p p p , <br /> Impacted soil was restricted to a narrow discontinuous band immediately adjacent and outside of the concrete <br /> sidewall and was not observed beneath the former UST's concrete bottom The first phase of confirmation <br /> sampling was performed on July 15, 1998 Mr Kith, from the UST group, selected the remaining two UST- <br /> removal sample locations (T-5 and T-6) from soils beneath the former bottom of the UST Ms Lagono, from <br /> the Site Mitigation group, selected locations for ten confirmation samples (T-7 through T-15) along the circular <br /> trench generated by overexcavatton In accordance with the approved analytical program, Ms Lagono <br /> designated sample T-8 for semi-volatile analyses with method EPA 8270 <br /> The analyses of the three UST removal samples (T4, T-5, and T-6) did not detect TPHd, TPHmo or BTEX <br /> above respective reporting limits Based on field observations made during removal activities and sampling <br />' operations and on the analytical results from the three UST removal samples, impacted soil was not present in <br /> soils beneath the bottom of the former UST <br /> 1 Analyses of the ten confirmation samples indicated that TPH-impacted soils had been removed in all but two <br /> locations, one on the northwest side (samples T-8 and T-9, depths of 10 and 9 5 feet bgs, respectively) and one <br /> on the northeast side of the excavation (samples T-11 and T-12, depths of 10 and 9 5 feet bgs, respectively) <br /> Semi-volatile analysis of sample T-8, with the exception of 2_methylna htt[5.0 mgLkg) and hn enanrene <br /> (3 0 mg/kg), did not detect any other analytes Soils in proximity to sample location T-8 were subsequently <br /> removed during the second phase of overexcavation <br /> A second limited phase of overexcavatton was performed in two areas and proceeded carefully to avoid <br /> encountering groundwater The purpose of the second phase of overexcavatton was to determine the vertical <br /> and lateral extent of impacted soil in these two locations Overexcavation on the northwest side of the <br /> 1 <br />