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21 September 2005 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 05-1282 <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> of the site and surrounding area indicate that there were several underground storage tanks and areas <br /> of potential concerns throughout the site. A summary of the information collected follows: <br /> • According to the SJCEHD records, two 4,000 gallon diesel USTs were removed from the <br /> southwest portion of the site in August 1985. Representatives of the SJCEHD did not <br /> observe evidence of contamination nor were samples collected for confirmation. The <br /> SJCEHD did not require further investigation of this area nor was official"closure" of the <br /> USTs provided. <br /> • Eight USTs were reportedly removed in 1986 from the northwest portion of the site: one <br /> 4,000-gallon isopropyl acetate UST; one 4,000-gallon Isopropyl Alcohol UST; one 4,000- <br /> gallon Toluel UST; one 1,500-gallon Normal-Propyl Acetate; one 1,000-gallon Acetone <br /> UST; one 1,000-gallon Blanket Wash UST; and two 3,000-gallon waste ink USTs. Six of <br /> these USTs were located near the northwest corner of the facility. According to SJCEHD <br /> information,the other two USTs containing the Blanket Wash and waste ink were located <br /> approximately 120 feet west-southwest of the water tower along the northwest side of the <br /> facility(see Figure 2). <br /> • In a letter dated 18 January 2001,the SJCEHD provided site closure for three USTs at the <br /> site: one 210,000-gallon#6 Fuel Oil UST located at the southeast corner of the property and <br /> two 5,000-gallon#6 Fuel Oil USTs located within the "courtyard"area near the southeast <br /> corner of the facility. The 210,000-gallon UST was piped to the two 5,000-gallon USTs via <br /> approximately 700 feet of underground pipeline, as shown in Figure 2. <br /> • Between 1989 and 1990, ground water monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-4 were <br /> installed near the 210,000-gallon UST as a"variance from the UST regulation because there <br /> was no other way to monitor the tank". Most reports indicate little to no detections of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons in ground water samples collected from these wells (shown in <br /> Figure 2). <br /> • A series of soil samples were advanced and sampled near the underground pipeline and the <br /> two USTs within the courtyard area. High concentrations of total recoverable petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons(TRPH)were reported in samples from the courtyard area.Low concentrations <br /> of TRPH were detected in samples collected along the pipeline area. <br /> • Upon removal of the 210,000-gallon UST,impacted soil was excavated and disposed of off- <br /> site.Approximately 700 tons of impacted soil was disposed of at Altamont Landfill in 1998. <br /> • In addition to TRPH, other contaminants encountered in soil at the facility included total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), benzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene and <br /> toluene. <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />