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d L <br /> ASSkTc <br /> OCIATES INC <br /> GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION <br /> Water level measurements were collected from wells MW 1 through MW3 on March 16, 2000 <br /> Water levels ranged from 23 19\to 23 75 feet below the tops of the well casing elevations, <br /> representing an average increase in the water table elevation of approximately 127 feet since <br /> December 1999 The water level data were used to develop the groundwater elevation contour <br /> map (Figure 3) Assuming that t onzontal isotropic conditions prevail, groundwater 'in the <br /> uppermost aquifer beneath the site flowed towards the northwest The average hydraulic gradient <br /> on March 16, 2000 was calculated to be 0 0004 ft/ft or approximately 2 ft/mile A summary of <br /> groundwater monitoring data is presented in Table 1 <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents generally decreased in well NMI, <br /> remained the same in well MW2, and increased well MW3 since the previous sampling event <br /> The direction of groundwater flow is generally consistent with the previous event Groundwater <br /> elevations have increased since December 1999 <br /> ADDMONAL SITE ACTIVITIES <br /> On February 22, 2000, ATC personnel transported six drums of soil cuttings to Forward Inc <br /> Landfill in Stockton, California for disposal On April 7, 2000, ATC personnel met with <br /> Clearwater Environmental who picked up approximately 330 gallons of purgewater from the site <br /> The purgewater was transported to Alviso Independent Oil in Alviso,Cahforrua where the water <br /> was recycled Copies of field notes and the non-hazardous waste manifests are included in <br /> Attachment 3 <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on the results of the first quarter 2000 monitoring episode, we recommend the following <br /> Perform Second Quarter 2000 groundwater monitoring event in June 2000 Groundwater <br /> samples should be analyzed for TPHg and BTEX <br /> W <br /> 114981*ardyl4gr-1999&C 3 <br />